Chapter 12

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Five days

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Five days.

It's been five days since Roman left for his business trip, but he has been constantly messaging me, asking me about my day and telling me about his.

But I miss him, to be honest, to have him here so we could talk face to face, texting is not really a fun way to communicate.

I mean it is, but I can't hear his voice, or see his smile when we text.

I had almost called him last night. Almost.

But at last I chickened out, thinking it would be embarrassing to call him, or what if he was busy. If he didn't want to talk to me or listen to my voice, because I wanted to listen to his deep, raspy voice.

I think I have got attached to him because of the care he has shown me, and how he wants to know everything about my day. 

Not having many people who cared about me since I was a kid, I think I get happy when someone shows me the slightest of concern or care.

But it's different, this is different, I don't just like that he cares for me, I like the way he smiles, the way he laughs, the way he holds my hands without any reason or the way his ruthless, arrogant billionaire image vanishes when he sees me and talks to me. 

I like how it feels like we have known each other for a long time, when infact it's only a couple of months.

I like him.

And that's something that scares me, because I don't think I would be able to take it if he also decides that he doesn't need me in his life, and throws me out. 

But I know, I won't do anything even when he throws me out, because atleast he did care for me for a given time. I would just be thinking of that short time.

Being alone all these years, I had got content with living my life alone, no one to talk to,  just the darkness of my mind and demons inside my head were what haunted me.

Now his voice sounds like a music, a deep, alluring, soothing music that I would hear if I am drowning in a sea of darkness, a music that would cut through that darkness like a knife and pull me out of it, make me see the surface, and pull me towards the light I once used to see. That I saw diminishing infront of me, pulling me in deeper to the depths of despair.

And that scares me, because I don't know If I would be able to do anything for him like he is doing for me, unknowingly so.

I just know I like him, and I won't let my Past play with my future. Those monsters from the past have been left behind years ago and they can't reach me now.

But I do hope that those monsters burn in Hell.


I remove my shoes as I enter my apartment, tired after the whole day of work along with the overtime I had to do at the restaurant.

quickly looking over the food items, I decide to just eat something light and make a salad for myself.

After changing my clothes and having a short shower I get in the bed, with my book and the bowl of salad.

I squeal and hide my face in the book half of the time I read the chapter I currently am on.

after half an hour of squealing, giggling and smiling like a mad woman, I complete my dinner and lay down on the bed with my phone.

should I call him?

No, what if he's busy?

maybe text?

But he hasn't seen the last message I sent him. wouldn't it look like I am too desperate?

So not knowing what to do, I play the movie I downloaded from some pirated sites, because obviously I am not going to waste my money on those things.

I hope I can buy a new phone this year, this phone was given to me by the family who took me in when I was living in the alley, they gave me the phone to contact them if I wanted to while I took care of their kids and cleaned the house.

My first phone 

I pause the movie when I see Roman facetiming me.


I look like a clown.

Okay, deep breathes.





I pick the call up, after trying and failing to make myself look presentable.

"Hi" he sighs, relaxed

"Hello" I mumble, shy and flustered without any reason.

we keep looking at each other, him not saying anything, and me not having the courage to.

"how are you" he finally asks after some time.

"uh, I am fine?" I answer but it comes out like a question, which makes him arch an eyebrow in question.

"I mean I am fine, what about you"  I fumble out.

get a grip, Asena

"I am fine now" he mutters while still looking at me.

don't blush

don't BLUSH


I did.

"were you about to sleep?" he adds.

"yeah, also it was a tiring day at work and I really wanted to just ditch work and sleep, but I would probably be fired if I do." I chuckle slightly, as I finish.

"It's not a crime to take a day off,  you should take care of yourself too" He replies

Explain it to the bills. 

"I will when I need one" I won't

"go sleep Asena, you need to sleep, I am sorry I called you this late," he murmurs, a scowl marring his features 

"Oh no, it's okay, don't be sorry for calling me," 

You are first one who's ever called me to know how my day went

 I smile at the thought, "good night Ro"

"Goodnight Asena" he smiles, his dimples popping.

After putting my phone to charge and getting in the covers, I sleep with a smile on my face, which I know as usual would be wiped out from my face once I enter my dreamland.


Thank you for reading.

I don't really like how this chapter turned out to be honest, and I have been having a MAJOR writers block, I mean I know what I need to write and hw it s gonna be in my head, but I can't seem to put it on paper. UGHH. 

Anyways, please tell your feedback on this chapter and I am sorry to keep you all waiting, some really stressful things happened in the past month.

please vote, and comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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