Chapter 11

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"What the fuck is this?" I grit out and throw the file on the table "This is what took you so much time?"

Fucking idiots

"This is the worst report I have ever seen" I snap at them when they stay silent.

I was at my office in London and I am pissed would be an understatement.

Incompetent fools, I don't know why I hired them.

"I want the right and proper reports by evening" I order and lean back on my chair, massaging my temples.

And I decided to complete my work faster and go back home.

I quickly took my phone out and texted Asena to check on her, how I would give anything to have her here, in front of me.

And also hug her

I still can't get over the fact that she kissed me!

On the cheek.


A knock disturbs me and I immediately get myself together to not look flustered in front of my employees.

"come in"

"Sir you have a meeting scheduled in ten minutes, the conference room is ready" My PA says, reading through her tablet.

"I will be there" I answer her in a dismissive tone, and she leaves after giving me a nod.

I can't wait to go back home and sleep


"Sir your mother is here to meet you" is the first thing I hear after completing the meeting.

I hold back a groan and ask my PA to escort my mom to my cabin.

getting a scolding in front of my employees is gonna be so awkward.

"ROMAN KRUTZ" I hear her yell as she enters my cabin and closes the door.

"who do you think you are? you didn't think it was important to tell me where you have been or even send a text to let me know you were okay?" she continues as I remain silent and listen to her scold me like a six year old with his head down in shame.

"I am sorry, I forgot to inform you mom" I apologize but she doesn't listen and continues scolding me. 

She sits down on the chair after she is done with her lecture and finally decides to talk to me.

"I am hosting a charity ball after A month in New York, so you don't have any excuses to give me young man. You are attending it" She orders me, not giving me a chance to negotiate.

"And you need to bring a plus one" because she knows how I always show up alone.

Immediately I get an image of asena clad in a beautiful gown, walking and dancing in the ball with me and I start to feel butterflies.

"what's that look in your eye?" mom asks me skeptically. 


"what look?" I ask non chalanntly.

"That look, like you are dreaming of someone" her eyes narrow into slits, and I would lie If I said she doesn't look scary.

I keep my face emotionless, not telling her anything.

"Wait! do you have a girlfriend?" she almost screams, the biggest smile on her face.

"No" not yet

"are you seeing someone" 


I just became her friend, I don't know if she feels anything for me so it's better to not get my hopes too high because I can't decide for her.

I haven't even asked for a date yet

"oh" her smile diminishes "but you still need to attend the ball, alone or with a plus one, I don't care"

"okay" I agree because it's no use to argue.

"okay then, I am leaving, take care of yourself my baby, and let me know when you are going back to New York. I would also send an invitation of the ball to you later" she rushes out, after giving me a forehead kiss.

I sigh and lean back on the chair, closing my eyes to relax a little.

The ping of my phone makes me open my eyes, I look at the screen to see it's from Asena, and a smile automatically forms on my face.

we chat for some time, and she tells me about the bastard who she dealt with today, asking for her phone number like she owes that creep anything.

She also told me Jake scared the man away, which I am thankful for, but still a part of mee feels jealous that she was praising him and telling me how his tattoos make him look more intimiating and stronger, But I quickly get rid of those thoughts, its her life and she has every right to talk to whoever she wants.

Also the fact that she sees him as her little brother and he helped her and takes care of her while on work, and I can't be more grateful for it.

I quickly pack my stuff and leave the office to get back to my hotel room and rest.

I really miss her.

I quickly take a hot shower and change into my gray sweat pants, and complete some of the work. I also order my dinner in the room itself. after having dinner and completing some of the work left, I lay down on the bed and send a good night text to Asena.

After tossing and turning on the bed for some time, I fall into a deep slumber, dreaming about Asena and me.


word count- 867

*not edited


I couldn't post anything earlier, I know I said I would be regular but my mental state wasn't right and i couldn't write anything properly.

tell me if you liked Roman's POV? 

it's so difficult to write his pov's honestly.

please vote, comment and share the story.

much love <3 

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