ChaosWorld - The Complete Story [Paragraph 59]

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As the days went by, r4sberr1es would meditate for hours on end. The voices over time seem to have occurred less, but in return they were getting more intense. He first informed Keeza, then they told the other citizens later. "They got worse" HighSeek asked? "Much worse. I tried meditating which reduced the frequency, but that rose the intensity as a result" r4s replied. "What did it say this time" Opt asked? "It was something about someone being exiled... I think" r4sberr1es replied. The room went quiet before they had decided to inform Ina about everything. Then Ina had produced an idea. "Guys, I have an idea. My mother might be able to help... or at least have an idea" he stated. "Really" r4sberr1es said. "Yeah, she might have something that could help you" Ina replied. "She lives in that new country" Ina stated. He then led everyone to Uskue. Where they spoke to Vail about everything. "Interesting... well lucky for you, I have been working on something that could be helpful in your case. Introducing... the Mind Indicator! This can be used to see whether these inner voices you say you are having is just something mentally or if there is more meaning to it" Vail said in a response ironically like Majestic's. 'The "Mind Indicator" you say" r4sberr1es said skeptically. "I know it may sound like something bad, but do I look like someone evil" Vail asked? "No, you look like someone who accidentally spilled the galaxy on their hair" Keeza said. The room went silent for a bit before the silence was broken by laughter. "OKAY, OKAY, I Get It" Vail replied. "But anyway, thanks" r4sberr1es replied. Eventually, everyone went back to their homes. R4sberr1es took a dose and prayed that it was not something too major. Meanwhile Orange was searching around again. He was getting tired of the strange dreams and needed a way to get rid of them. His only problem was not knowing who or where to go to. Eventually, he started to worry. All the others were trying their best to find a way to help him, but as always, no-one knew how. But he would not give up yet. He could not give up; it was too important. He then decided to make the bold decision of telling someone else about his situation. "I cannot keep sitting around like this anymore. These dreams are driving me insane! I MUST Reach Out to More People, I HAVE TO" he said to himself. After that, he stormed out of his home. Electra, who was in the kitchen during the time saw him then sprinted after him.

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