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"Unfortunately, he is not responding to my phone calls," Taehyung expressed with frustration, tossing his phone onto the couch before taking a seat.

His father, Ky, and several other men stood across from him, their faces displaying concern as they watched Taehyung.

"I have made a grave mistake," Taehyung muttered, taking a deep breath and leaning back against the backrest, consumed by anger. "I have no idea where he is at the moment."

"He is most likely at his parents' mansion," Ky interjected, causing Taehyung to glance at him. "Is that so?" Taehyung commented.

"Indeed," Ky confirmed.

"If you are lying, I will not hesitate to take drastic measures. Furthermore, that Kevin guy has been discharged. What if he reveals the entire truth to Jungkook? Our entire plan will crumble." Taehyung exclaimed in distress.

"The plan has already failed. You have wasted all these weeks fooling around with that guy," Ky muttered under his breath, clicking his tongue when Taehyung shot him a glare.

"Come here," Taehyung said, fetching a revolver and holding it out. Ky gulped, cautiously approaching. "Now, either suck on this or the bullets will be sucking on you," Taehyung threatened. "Keep it quiet and clear off."

Ky cowered, nodding before placing the gun in his mouth as Taehyung held the trigger, applying minimal pressure.

"What have you accomplished in these past six months? Your duty was to eliminate him, yet you ended up getting involved in a relationship with him." Taehyung snapped angrily, observing Ky sucking on the gun.

"B-but I discovered that Jungkook has the video of that incident. If we had not entered into a relationship, he would have never disclosed it to me!" Ky explained once Taehyung removed the revolver and handed it to him, displaying a slightly disgusted expression. "And I do not actually love him, unlike you."

Taehyung glared at him. "Put the gun back in your mouth and shut up," he ordered, then looked away as his father approached and took a seat beside him.

"Do not concern yourself with that noy. He belongs to you and only you," Mr. Kim began, draping his arm over Taehyung's shoulder. "You love him, correct?" He continued, to which Taehyung nodded immediately. "Then claim him as your own and bring him here. You know that I must leave before the upcoming weekend, right? Why not consider marrying him before then?"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow in response. "Isn't it too early for us to enter into marriage? Additionally, I believe it would be inappropriate to proceed without his consent," Taehyung hesitated as his father interjected.

"Since when have you concerned yourself with the approval of others? If you want him, then he must be yours, regardless of his wishes," his father stated, motioning for one of his men to provide him with a firearm, which he placed in Taehyung's hand. "Plus, we will surely find the whereabouts of the video after the wedding. In this manner, you will get what you want, and I will get mine."

"Are you negotiating with your own son?" Taehyung fretted, to which the man chuckled and nodded. "If you wish for me to support your relationship with him, then you must complete the mission assigned to you. Go and get that video from him on my behalf," the man pushed Taehyung.

"Why would you even rape someone around the age of your son and get me involved me in this mess as well now," Taehyung rose from his seat and began walking toward the exit. His subordinate, Ky, followed closely behind, accompanied by several other men.

"Ky, fetch something such as a mask and shades for me," Taehyung requested, causing Ky to furrow his brow. "Why?" Ky answered back.

"Just in case Jungkook attempts to flee and is unaware of my involvement in this kidnapping, he will come to me. However, if he is aware, he will likely seek assistance elsewhere and find a means to present the footage to the president, which we must avoid. That is why," Taehyung clarified, prompting Ky to nod abruptly.

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