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The criminal witch led the human boy through the red forest, picking her speed up to an excited jog as she did so. Ash did his best to keep up with her at her side, her eagerness clear by the wide smile on her face.

He watched as they passed by each tree, the autumn colors a stark contrast to the summer he was about to start back home. The trees swayed in the wind with a soothing whistle, the closer and closer they got to their destination, the more calming it felt. He couldn't even tell he was running anymore, rather instead it was like any worry he may have could just disappear simply going through this pathway.

He turned his attention back to the road ahead, noticing an odd building approaching his sight. Jesse began to slow down as they got closer, giving Ash the note that this, was their destination.

The house ahead had an aura Ash wasn't familiar with, but it was an oddly comforting one. He looked up at the blue tiles that ran along side the roof similar to that of waves, the wind making the row of them ripple almost exactly like water. The top floor of the house displayed a giant circular window in the shape of an eye, the red pupil staring down at him. He swore he saw the window blink, as if it were alive. He shook his head and looked back at it, only to find it wasn't moving like he thought. His attention was moved to the walls, seeing the strange way they moved.. similar to that of breathing. He tilted his head a bit as they stopped in front of the doorway, though despite his confusion, the look in his eyes was nothing but excitement.

Jesse snickered as she waved her hand in front of him. "Isles to human, you still alive in there?"

"Hm?" Ash snapped out of his awe and blinked, before looking back to the witch. "Yes- sorry. I was just thinking." He smiled and looked back at the house "this place looks awesome-" he paused, looking behind him. "Wait.. you sure that guy isn't gonna be following us?"

Jesse shook her head "Nah, don't worry about it. My house has a state of the art defense system. And no one has gotten past him in years."

"Oh that's a relief.. wait- him? Who's him?"
Ashs nose scrunched up as his confusion was basically painted onto his face, making Jesse let out a laugh. "Knock on the door and find out kiddo."

Ash looked towards the doorway, slowly walking up to it so he could knock. His eyes landed on the center of the door, just a little above his own head. The face of a barn owl was placed within the wood, fanciying a little bow tie just a little below his beak. Ash couldn't help but smile at the cute little door decoration.

He went to knock but as soon as he touched the door, the owl on the door snapped it's eyes open and stared right at Ash. "Hoot! Who goes there?!"

"WAH!" Ash jumped backwards as the door owl began to wriggle around, to Ash's shock the creature began to stretch its way out almost like a tube, stretching its face out closer to Ash to inspect him. "Oo! You're a little kid! We don't get many kids around here! Aren't you a little cutie! Hoot!" The tube demon coiled around Ash in a hug like manor, squeezing him just a bit. "My names Hooty! I'm not supposed to let you inside but we can hang till Jesse shows up!"

"Nice to- meet you- I'm-Ash-" Ash could barely manage to get a sentence out from the strange hug, but didn't seem all that frightened of Hooty. More confused than anything.

Jesse began to snicker again as she walked over. "Let the poor kid down hooty, he's with me." She patted the bird tube, getting him to let ash back down onto his feet.

"Wait he's a guest?? You never have guests over, not unless they're your lovers or something. What's a kid doing here any-OW! Hoot!" He stopped mid sentence when Jesse kinda poked him in the eyes so he'd stop talking. "I'd love to explain hooty, but we're losing time. Can you let us in? I'll fill you in later today alright?"

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