Chapter 5

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Wolfram woke to Yuuri leaning over him, watching him with an amused look in his black eyes. Wolfram gave a questionable look before Yuuri ran his fingers down the Mazoku's chest. Wolfram scowled and shoved the boy off him, sitting up and stretching. "Don't even think about it, wimp"

Yuuri chuckled mildly and hugged his blonde to him tightly. "But Wolf,  I love you~" he whined.

"Yeah well I've been brought up to do that sort of stuff after the wedding. Last night was a small exception"

"Then let's go get married, kitten"

Wolfram's fist almost collided with Yuuri's face for that little nickname but he chose to ignore it and smiled instead. "Fine, just don't screw anything up"

Stoffel grunted and growled and snarled as he tried so desperately to find a trace of the two runaways. He'd found nothing, until he'd heard his sister's cruise ship had arrived in Kikaru last night. He grinned evilly to himself. Kikaru, huh? Well, those two wouldn't make it out of there on their own - Yuuri wouldn't even make it out alive. And the best part? Nobody from Shin Makoku knew of their residence so there'd be no one interfering from that side!Yuuri stood beside Wolfram at the alter that noon, hands holding the blonde's tightly in nervousness and slight fear. The nervousness was if he screwed up the words that would have to be thrown together by his heart. And the fear was made of two things: Wolfram's temper if anything dare ruin this moment, and if Stoffel or anyone from the castle managed to find them and force them back home. Wolfram finished his small vows, a slight nerve pricked at his tongue lowering his pride a touch, but he kept his eyes locked with Yuuri's the whole way through showing the double-black that he'd meant every word. Yuuri took a breath and gripped Wolfram's hands tighter, tugging him a little closer and wrapping his arms round the blonde ex-prince instead.

"Wolfram...I...I know I haven't been the most trustworthy partner. I know I haven't been the most accepting person. I know I'm not perfection because that's something only you can define. I know you could have someone who's so much better than me." Tears began to gently flow down his cheeks. "I know...that you never gave up on matter what you were at my side... It wasn't just because it was your duty, though. I want to thank you, for helping me get through everything I've had to face in this world since I arrived. You hated me at first...and you had the absolute right to be the way you were with me. But once I began thinking of the proposal, I began to realise just how much I'd let you suffer. I'd made your heart ache and tear itself apart but still you waited for me..." He could feel Wolfram shaking in his arms now. "So, I guess I just want to tell you that...I love you. And that I'll never leave your side so long as you don't leave mine". Something in the back of Yuuri's mind told him that everything needed to be said here and now while he had the chance. The Maou inside him had a bad feeling about their future. "I love you Wolfram von Bielefeld-Shibuya" and with those final words, their commitment was sealed with a kiss of passion before Yuuri picked Wolfram up and hugged him to his chest tightly. Wolfram gripped onto him just as tight and let himself be carried out of the chapel where their life together officially begun.

Once Yuuri set his husband down, he proceeded in stroking his thumbs under green eyes to rid of any tears that clung to the beautiful blonde. Wolfram returned the act with a soft smile full of love. Yuuri's heart almost exploded in his chest at that look. He entwined his hand with Wolfram's and gripped it tightly as they took the day to stroll around town before heading back to the inn to extend their stay. Wolfram stuck close to him at all times, as if something worried him. Well, he was constantly worried about losing Yuuri, but even more so now they were actually married - Shinou...Gwendal was going to murder them both someday.

"Wolf? What's wrong, you've been on edge all's really worried me"

"It's nothing really...just those words you said, it was like you were saying goodbye to me instead of staying with me forever... You know how I worry about you because of your recklessness, Yuuri"

"I know, and I'm sorry Wolf...hey, isn't that sunset really pretty?"

Wolfram looked up and an orange sky greeted him, Yuuri wrapped his arms round him from behind and rested his chin on his shoulder after kissing his head. Wolfram placed his hands on Yuuri's and leaned back into his embrace with a soft smile like before.

" is rather beautiful. Much like the little brat who refuses his orders of trade"

Both boys spun round to come face-to-face with Stoffel. How had he managed to find them?! Wolfram gave a small whimper which only Yuuri heard and he tightened his hold on the blonde Mazoku. His black eyes filled with hatred at seeing the other man and he could feel Wolfram also trembling with anger - a fire was burning up inside him.

" did you manage to find us?"

"Doesn't matter, just hand Lord von Bielefeld over and nobody gets hurt"

"I'm not letting him go, I'm the Maou, what I say goes!" Yuuri growled. Wolfram looked at him briefly before looking back at Stoffel. He found a vote of confidence and straightened himself, stepping out of his husband's embrace but still sticking exceptionally close. Stoffel drew his sword and aimed at Yuuri, who, in turn, stepped forward. Big mistake that was. A yelp from behind told him Wolfram was currently struggling to get out of a guard's hold on him. Yuuri looked over his shoulder and noticed that the guard still had his sword sheathed. Taking his chances with Wolfram's capture, he grabbed the sword for himself and proceeded to fight off Stoffel to the best of his ability.

The duel lasted quite a while between the two before Yuuri was distracted by the guard stopping Wolfram's struggles by punching the boy in the gut harshly, which caused Yuuri's sword to be flung from his hand. He was too distracted by the fact someone had just punched the husband of the Maou when Wolfram looked up, his green emerald eyes widening with fear before a searing pain soared through the double-black...


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