Chapter 10

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Wolfram could barely stand as his limp and weak body was held tightly by Stoffel. His dull green eyes were fixed on Yuuri - his husband, who should be dead by all rights - as he figured out what he could do without injuring him. To admit Wolfram was scared would not only dent his pride, but was an understatement - he was terrified right now. Yuuri tightened his hold on his weapon and made a daring move to swing it at Stoffel, who let go of his cargo and Yuuri was quick to drop the weapon and take hold of his lover. Sure he'd lost his weapon now, but he had what he'd came for in the first place, and he wasn't much of a fighter when it came to holding a sword or anything of the sort anyway.

"Now, Stoffel...I'm going to surprisingly let you go unscathed. But if you dare come anywhere near Blood Pledge Castle then I won't hesitate to let my soldiers take care of you in my place. Is that clear?" Yuuri growled, lifting Wolfram into his arms bridal-style and allowing the Mazoku to recover by leaning against him.

Stoffel was a little taken back and beaten down by the double black's hostility - normally Yuuri was a nice, calm boy who would (pretend to) be happy in his presence. Raven came to his superior's side and gave a nod to Yuuri, making Stoffel do the same. "Y-Yes Your Majesty..." Wow, this guy was still as weak and stupid as ever. Yuuri was about to make such a remark when he heard horses outside, looks like his reinforcements had gotten word from Shinou of his 'escape' and came to help.

"Good. Then I'll be taking my leave..." Yuuri began to walk backwards, not wanting to be caught unguarded with Wolfram in his arms, until he walked into someone. He looked up behind him and smiled. "Conrad!"

"Here, let me take Wolfram Your Highness" the brunette soldier smiled his usual smile and gently took the now sleeping Bielefeld soldiers from the boy's arms.

"I told you to call me Yuuri, how many times Conrad, honestly"

Conrad just chuckled and passed Wolfram to Gwendal once they reached outside - where another creepy looking statue of Yuuri was, he hadn't noticed it in his rush to get here but it gave him the chills - and piled into the carriage, Yozak whipping the horses into a run successfully. Yuuri sat opposite Gwendal and watched with soft eyes as the two brothers fussed gently and silently over their younger sibling. Wolfram's sleeping form rested up against his eldest brother, the person he'd looked up to all his life, and the grumpy demon's arms were wrapped protectively around him. "Thank you Your Majesty...for getting to him in time..." Gwendal showed the king a soft smile which sent Yuuri's head doing loops - he'd just gotten a freaking smile out of freaking Gwendal von Voltaire!

"It's fine Gwendal" No point in getting the demon to call him by his name and not his title, no that would have to wait a very long time. "I'm just glad Stoffel wasn't doing anything too bad to him..." Well when Yuuri said 'anything too bad' he meant whatever the heck the loopy aristocrat was going to do to the poor boy before Yuuri interrupted his plans. "Is Gisela at the castle?"

"She should be" Conrad answered, a hand checking the pulse rate of his little brother, "I reckon once he's patched up, Wolfram will need plenty of rest before he's up and about again, chasing after you with fireballs and whatnot".

Yuuri groaned a little but laughed anyway, of course he wouldn't want his fiancé - no, husband - any other way. He'd happily be burnt to ashes if it meant keeping Wolfram with him. That reminded him. "Oh, by the way guys, me and Wolfram managed to get married whilst we were away. Is that official or do we have to do it all over again for the castle?"

Gwendal and Conrad shared a brief look before they both chuckled - hey Yuuri was getting somewhere with Gwendal, a smile and a chuckle was good enough for him right now - and nodded to the king, earning another groan.


Gisela quickly patched Wolfram up to the best of her ability, and Yuuri chipped in now and then when she was wearing tired from using her magic. The blond Mazoku eventually regained consciousness and he was glad Yuuri and his mother were there when he awoke. Yuuri explained that they had to redo their wedding when he was fit and healthy enough and that brought a smile to Wolfram's face. Cäcilie had been informed about everything just before they got back and she held her baby boy close whenever he'd let her - which was most of the time. Wolfram eventually brought his strength up again and he married Yuuri in the spring, near his birthday. Waltorana was the one to walk him down the aisle and he also helped Wolfram regain his original fighting spirit by sparring with the young soldier whenever he could.

The night 3 days after their wedding, there was a ball held to announce the pregnancy of the royal couple and Wolfram escaped the bustling sounds of the party by heading out onto his favourite balcony. Yuuri soon noticed and joined him, wrapping his arms round his waist from behind gently, not wanting to hurt the baby inside his lover. Yuuri had been surprised when Wolfram said he could get pregnant but then again, this world was so very different and strange from the one he grew up in, and he wouldn't change that for anything offered to him. Yuuri gently kissed his neck and rested his chin on Wolfram's shoulder before they both saw a shooting star. Wolfram's eyes closed softly for a moment before opening again and letting the moonlight make his emeralds shine - Yuuri swore it should be illegal to look so beautiful for a demon.

"Yuuri? Do shooting stars mean anything in your world?"

"Yeah. If someone wishes on one, they should have their wish granted".

"Have you ever wished on one?"

"Yeah, right before I arrived here for the first time, actually".

"What did you wish for?"

Yuuri smiled and turned his husband gently to kiss him. "To find the right person for me".

Wolfram gave a small hum and smiled back before his expression changed into a sort of confused frown. "At age 15?"

"I-I had a crush on someone back then! Sh-shut up!"

Wolfram's eyes glinted and he had a devilish smirk crawl onto his face. "Oh, so we were a cheating wimp all along, what did I marry into?"

"It was before we met!"

"Still counts" Wolfram was still smirking, hands behind his back innocently.

"H-How does it count?!"

"Well for all I know, you could've hooked up with her back on Earth just to have the both of us"

"I-I'm not like that! Wolfram, stop being mean to me!" Yuuri whined childishly, he still had that charm to him, despite everything.

Wolfram chuckled, "I'm not mean, I'm amazing. You said so yourself on that wedding night of ours a few days ago". Yuuri's blush reddened to cover his whole face, he bent his head down, black bangs covering his eyes.


Yep, Yuuri wouldn't change this for anything he was offered...well, maybe except the situation Wolfram had been put in by his devious uncle. But then again, if it hadn't of happened the way it did, Yuuri might not of ever gathered the courage to marry his blond prince. So much for fairy tales, huh?

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