Chapter 9

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Yuuri rode as fast as he could until the Spitzweg castle came into sight, kicking his horse lightly but forcefully, the stallion picked up the pace and before he knew it, Yuuri was standing outside the castle gates. He looked round and saw no guards in his line of vision. Perfect. So he began making his way into the castle by managing to slip through the bars of the gates and slipping in through an open doorway when the opportunity came by. Now that he was in, where was Wolfram? Giving out a frustrated and annoyed huff, he climbed the stairs and checked every room on every floor until he found the one he was looking for. The state Wolfram was in made him feel sick - how could Stoffel do this to his own family?! Sure, the sons of Lady Celi didn't trust or like their uncle, but for Stoffel to do this in return to their youngest was unexplainable. Yuuri could only make out a huddled shape in the corner of the room, but he knew by instinct that it was Wolfram. His love. His husband. His Prince Consort. He only had to unlock the door somehow.

Hearing footsteps approaching, he quickly made himself hidden behind a perfectly placed plant - cause y'know, coincidences like that normally happen in these sorts of situations - and saw Stoffel and Raven approach the door. The head of the Spitzweg family, who always tried hopelessly to get on the king's good side, took out a key and unlocked the door, kicking it open harshly and Yuuri heard Wolfram give a weak yelp before the blonde Mazoku was dragged out by his rat of an uncle. Yuuri was fuming and itching to rescue his lover. He could see just how bad Wolfram was in his current condition. The prince's clothes were ragged and hardly fitted him unlike before. His blonde hair was dishevelled and the back was plastered to the back of his neck and matted with dried blood. Wolfram could barely stand, let alone move when commanded, which made Stoffel lash a small whip at the boy who was to be his family. Yuuri wasn't fuming anymore, he was raging. He had a thirst, a truly unnatural thirst to have Stoffel's blood spill onto the ground at Wolfram's feet just as his had done. Wolfram's eyes were hazy and he looked almost blind. His breathing was also dangerously shakily and weak. If Stoffel whipped him anymore or forced him to do anything, Wolfram would die. Yuuri was sure of that.

"I bet you'd like to go home to your precious mother, wouldn't you, you filthy excuse of a soldier" Stoffel hissed in the blonde's ear, but the Mazoku ignored him completely, not making a move. The Wolfram Yuuri knew would've thrown a fit and burned off the remaining strands of Stoffel's hair by this point. In fact, the Wolfram Yuuri knew wouldn't have let Yuuri die in the first place if that damn guard hadn't had a hold of him, preventing him from doing anything. They'd only ever eloped because Wolfram had been so shocked and somewhat scared about the whole situation and the fact that his beloved couldn't stop it if they'd stayed at the castle. "Well too bad" Stoffel hissed again, ignoring the fact Wolfram hadn't responded to him. "You're doomed my little nephew, Bielefeld can come after me all they want but in the end they'll also be slaughtered just like that pathetic king you so dearly devoted your pathetic and useless life to" He grinned when again, Wolfram didn't respond. But he was responding, at least, his inner thoughts were.

Why that dirty rat, if I had the strength he robbed from me I'd tear him to pieces! He underestimates Uncle Waltorana's forces too, oh I only hope I can see the day Uncle Waltorana slaughters this beast of a family relation! And to bring up Yuuri of all people! Yuuri's dead! It's not like he's about to come running to my rescue at some magnificent miracle!

Yuuri couldn't stop the growl that erupted from his throat, making Raven and Stoffel turn round in surprise. The king rose from his hiding place and stepped out into the hallway to face them. That also got a response from Wolfram, though it was only that of his emerald green eyes giving a small shine as they widened in speechlessness. Not knowing if his magic would fail him or not, Yuuri grabbed an axe that a knight statue held and pointed it accordingly to the two older men. Raven stepped back while Stoffel was determined to keep his grip on Wolfram. "Let go of him, now" Yuuri growled, taking a few steps towards them.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty" he spat, "but I'm afraid if I did he would drop dead to the floor. And I know you wouldn't risk attacking me while I have a hold of your brothel prize"

Oh Yuuri's blood was boiling and spitting in a fire frenzy within his veins. How dare this excuse for a noble insult his precious Wolfram like it was a stray cat he'd kicked into a mud puddle?! But he was right, whatever he did was risking Wolfram's life - or what was left of it at least. What could he do though? There was no possible way of contacting anyone back at Blood Pledge Castle, and even if he did then they would only take it as a joke seeing as news had got round of his death by now. Just how was he going to save his beloved Prince Consort and get home?

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