In the mood

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When you're in the mood

Mattheo Riddle

This man is immediately aware of it, but he will plainly act otherwise since he simply wants to hear you implore him. He has no shame, yet he'll make you wait for it because he enjoys seeing your desperation. has no regard for anyone else's hearing when speaking out. He will assist you after he determines that you have had enough of his nonsense.

"Be a good girl for me and I'll give you what you want."

Draco Malfoy

You only need to give him the right look, and he will understand. Being extremely arrogant and smug about it, his ego grows when he knows you want him. before assisting you, has a lengthy make out session with you. It teases you a lot before taking care of you, and if you're impatient, it'll take even longer.

"Can't even last two seconds without my touch, can you, slut?"

Theo Nott

He simply does. He simply knows, and I have no idea how. I enjoy hearing you say it out, especially if you act timidly. He finds it to be sweet. He will begin tease you very subtly and increase the intensity as he continues. kind of person who will get off on you. His joy is also yours.

"Use your words, pretty girl. Tell me what you want."

Tom Riddle

He notices right away but will overlook it if he is engaged in anything else; he is immediately focused on you. He is being quite cruel to you and calling you offensive names the entire time. He will handle it then and then, regardless of where you two are or who you are with.

"You're such a needy brat for me, aren't you?"

"Shut up, you filthy slut. I'll go whatever pace I want to; you're going to fucking take it."

Blaise Zabini

This dude is observant. He'll notice if you start acting strangely or get more emotional. He would say typical things but make them seem nasty while you're with pals. He'll ask you to excuse yourselves and take care of yourself after taunting you for a bit until he decides you're in enough trouble.

"You think your slick? Just wait until I have you under me."

"Oh, you think that's cool? Wait until you've seen her ride a broom."

Enzo Berkshire

Strangely psychic, he somehow always seems to be in the mood when you are, so you are both simply trying to torment each other. You'll need to tell him before he goes too far since he'll forget that there are other people in the room. takes you to his dorm by throwing you over his shoulder. puts your needs ahead of his own.

"Oh, yeah baby? You might want to shut that pretty mouth before I do it for you."

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