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A girl is flirting with them.

Mattheo Riddle

Even if he is being pursued by a disturbing number of girls, Mattheo is completely faithful to you. However, a female went too far one day. She began by conversing with Mattheo in a casual manner, but as time went on, she gradually added a flirtier tone and began to inch slightly closer to him without causing him to notice. You observed them conversing and simply moved steadily in their direction because it didn't appear that anything was wrong. The female then placed her hands on his chest, causing him to take a small step back, but you were already running over to them at this point. While Mattheo was holding you back, you pushed her to the ground and yelled every expletive you could think of. However, he was having fun.

"Y/n, darling, I think she got the memo." He says caressing your arm as you stand up straight directing you gaze to Mattheo. He had a big grin on his face as his eyes met yours.

"You're hot when you're aggravated." He whispers kissing your nose, making you blush brightly.

"Only for you." you whisper back with a smile. He wraps his arm around your waist as he led you away with a pleased expression being able to call you his.

Theo Nott

Unsurprisingly, Theo was very well liked by the girls; this was largely due to his charm, attractiveness, and charisma. Normally, you would ignore the gals, but on sometimes, you may grow too agitated, and today was one of those occasions. Theo was making his way down the hallways towards the courtyard, where you would meet him. But he was stopped by a popular lady who was blonde, trim, beautiful, and blessed with blue eyes. She struck up a conversation with Theo, but he wasn't interested. His main goal was to get past her and sit with you in the courtyard, but she was in his way. The chick had hugged onto his arm.

"Ugh excuse me..." He said but got cut off by the sound of something being thrown to the ground with a thud.

"Fuck off you bitch!" You tell as Theo faces you with a shocked smile.

"God you're perfect." He says turning you around to face him as the girl scurried off. Before kissing your lips, he gazed tenderly into your eyes. "I'm yours and you're mine, forever." He says softly caressing your cheek with his hand as you lent into it.

Draco Malfoy

Draco does his hardest to show you that he cares for you whenever he can because he loves you too much-more than anybody he's ever met. Draco is dedicated to you, and you are loyal to him, so when you noticed him chatting to another female around the corner, it caught you off guard. Although it was all polite conversation, she continued inching closer and closer. In actuality, the girl was urged by Malfoy, a.k.a. Draco's, father to attempt to whoo Draco. You moved closer to them, making sure they weren't aware of your presence as you hid behind a pillar only a few meters from them.

"Oh, Draco you're so funny." The girl cackled in an annoying high pitch voice as she slapped Draco's arm playfully. You were having none of it, so you got up from where you were standing and coughed to get Draco's and the overjoyed girl's attention.

"Y/n!" He says with a relieved breath rushing up and hugging you. Being a sensitive child, Draco felt easily uneasy among the wrong people and very safe while he was with them. As he stormed off, the girl muttered as Draco grinned in your hug.

Enzo Berkshire

The greenhouse had always been your and Enzo's home ever since the day you two met there and fell in love. Enzo frequented the greenhouse, whereas you only went there periodically when you needed some peace and quiet. However, when Enzo got to the greenhouse, he found another bored female there sitting and prodding a plant. He approached her and grinned at her as usual. While her intentions were the furthest from innocent, he began chatting to her about the plants in the glasshouse in an innocent tone. After a short while, you entered the room to find Enzo enthusiastically discussing a flower with the female unknowingly standing a little too close behind him.

"Am I interrupting something?" You say in a sarcastic tone. Enzo almost knocks the girl off her feet as he rises up and approaches you before giving you a loving embrace.

"Nope just showing g/n around the greenhouse apparently she's interested in plants." He said happily kissing your cheek. You were aware that the girl detested plants and had gone to the glasshouse for other purposes, but you didn't mind since Enzo is yours and yours only.

Blaise Zabini

One of the first years Blaise knew had an older sister whom they wanted him to meet. Being too gracious to refuse, Blaise did as he was asked. Since the female was a year younger than Blaise, he felt awkward and had no idea how to begin the discussion; as a result, the girl did it for him.

"So, my brother speaks highly of you." She says with a soft smile.

"Oh, is that so?" He asks trying to continue the conversation.

"'yeah... Do you have a girlfriend? You seem like the lady charmer." She asks jokingly.

You emerged from the corner as Blaise was about to respond, frowning at the girl.

"That'll be me and you are?" You snarl at her as Blaise puts his arms around your waist.

As she leaves, the girl murmurs, "Never mind."

"You're so overprotective." He laughs.

"Yeah, and you like me that way." You laugh along with him as he sways you side to side.

Tom Riddle

It was no surprise that every other lady who approached Tom would be politely rejected because Tom almost despised every other girl at Hogwarts; while he tolerated some of them, the most of them were your pals. One day, a fresh female decided to give him a go without realizing he was already committed. He gave her a forced blank grin as he attempted to cover up his disgusted expression as she bounced over to him with joy.

"Tom, isn't it?" She asks cheerfully. He mumbled a yes which made her weirdly smile more.

"Great. I was just wondering..." She speaks but gets cut off by him walking away towards you as you chatted with your friends. The girl followed him while keeping an eye on his direction. As you stalked your buddies as usual, Tom came up behind you, putting his arms around your waist and laying his head in the crook of your neck while you caressed his hair.

"A girl tried to hit on me just before, she looked and sounded awful." He mumbled against my neck.

"Wow, how nice of you Tom. I love you." You whispered back with a soft smile as he kissed your neck.

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