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Slytherin Boys react to you smelling them in the Amortentia.

Snape called you to the front of the class to smell the Amortentia potion. "Tell me what you smell." he said. You smell the potion.

Theo Nott

"Green apples with a hint of cinnamon and smoke." You tell Snape. Strangely, even when you move away from the potion, you continue to smell the same perfume. You realize you're donning Theo's sweatshirt when you glance down. You spot him grinning across the room and take in his aroma. Did he catch on?

Enzo Berkshire

"Vanilla and bergamot." You say. The entire class nodded in agreement. Although it was a familiar aroma, you neglected to say something else. The distinctive scent of Enzo was his mint perfume and toothpaste, which you recognized right once. When you are about to back away from the potion, you abruptly run into him. He gives you a grin.

"You left something out, didn't you love?" you stutter trying to find an answer. " You're not very good at hiding things." He chuckles, pulling you into a hug.

Mattheo Riddle

You cough when you sniff the potion. "Strawberries." You tell Snape, but you're pretty sure he knows you're lying. Mattheo follows you as you excuse yourself to use the restroom.

"Am I your soulmate then?" he asks.

"What makes you think that?" You grumble back.

He smirks. "You made the same face you always make when I smoke." You turn around and stare at him blankly.

"It's not my fault you smell like weed all the time." You tell him.

Tom Riddle

"Something earthy" you tell Snape. You knew it was Tom's fragrance the moment you smelled it. That fragrance is recognizable everywhere. The pungent aroma of cedar trees with the enticing aroma of cinnamon. Tom is attempting to disguise his emotions when you see him from across the room, but you can tell that he can smell your perfume too.

Draco Malfoy

"Bourbon, new parchment, pumpkin spice and green apples." You trail off when you realize you're naming Draco's signature smell. He had consistently used the same fragrance throughout time. He dropped his head aside as all gazes shifted to him. You may be hallucinating, but you're positive you saw his lips start to grin.

Blaise Zabini

You frown. "I don't know how to explain it," you tell Snape. "It smells like warmth and a new broomstick?" Confused you step away from the potion.

"Mr. Zabini, you're next" calls Snape. Blaise moves past you as he makes his way to the front of the class. You immediately feel safe and warm, and you can smell a brand-new broomstick in the air.

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