Chapter 2

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When they entered the hall after the French, Dimitrius did not expect so many children to be in the hall. There were four long tables, and each was almost full. The performers went first, and after Gustav sprayed his fire, they walked in with the other student in front of them.

He could already hear the whispers and murmurers of excitement, most about Viktor, but some about him as well. He gave a quick scan of the hall and that is when he saw the messy red hair with obnoxious glasses on her face.

Marigold Potter goes to Hogwarts.

He wanted to grip Viktor's hand tight, but did not and kept his face stoic of any emotions and kept his scent calm and hoped the perfume that would mask his scent would work. It had said that it only worked best when the person wearing it was calm, so that is what he did.

They were soon escorted to the silver and green table, where Dimitrius could tell a lot of purebloods sat. Viktor had ended up with a blonde teen at his side, asking questions every once in a while as they ate. There was so much food that went to waste, and Durmstrang only had the amount of food that was in the first half of the table for a regular meal. Seeing it made him loose his appetite.

"Hello, my name is Theodore, Heir of House Nott. But you can call me Theo." A younger student with pale skin and dark hair introduced as he sat down in front of Dimitrius. Adalet had tried to sit there, but had been pulled away by some of her other friends.

Theo looked at him for a while, trying to deduce if he spoke English or not. "I would like to say that you look very lovely, darling."

Dimitrius swallowed and looked at Viktor, who was still distracted by the rambling teen. He did not want his mate to be kicked out because he started a fight. So, he only nodded in response.

"What is your name? I would like to know what to call you other than darling." Theo asked and Dimitrius stabbed his steak, hard and glared at it.

"Dimitrius. Only call me that. No pet names." He snapped, pulling the fork out of the meat.

"My love? Is he bothering you?" Viktor said, feeling the irritation through their bond. The blonde boy that he had been talking to looked startled at the quick change from talking to him to Dimitrius.

"He is just a horny teenager, nothing more. We can not start anything here." The submissive gave a simple stroke to the others thigh before turning back to his meal.

Viktor did not like that answer, but he dropped the subject, only whispering in his mate's ear before he went back to his meal. "We will talk about this later."

Theo tried to make more small talk after that, but stopped calling him 'darling' after receiving a harsh glare from the Bulgarian seeker.

Soon, the old man at the front began to talk. "I thank you all for coming so far to participate in this tournament. I hope that you have a good year here at Hogwarts, and that no lives are lost, and only friendships emerge. Now, off to your beds." The man seemed distracted by something, and Dimitrius hoped that it had nothing to do with him.

Not everyone was leaving right away, most staying behind for the dessert in front of them, replacing the previous dinner. Dimitrius looked at the staff table, gazing at the faces that would be teaching him. He could feel the eyes of one of the teachers staring at him, and turned his head to see who.

A man that he never wished to see was staring at him, a man that he hoped that he would never have to see after being left in the woods.

James Potter was looking at him, confusion on his face. Next to him sat a red haired woman in bright red robes. Lily Potter.

He was screwed if anyone recognized him as the lost Harry Potter.

"Calm, my heart. They can never take you away from me." Viktor pressed up against his back, rubbing soothing circles on his sides. Durmstrang students noticed this and gave the couple room, distracting the other students as best as they could. "They will not even know who you are."

"But they are teachers, and we have to go to their classes. They will see me as their son, and make a big show out of trying to get me back, away from you." Dimitrius wheezed, hyperventilating at the mere thought of it.

Viktor told another student that they were leaving, scooping Dimitrius up in his arms. Their friends and most of the other students would cover for them, making an excuse for their affection that they do not normally show in public. They slipped among the small amount of students, more following in hopes of talking to the famous seeker.

Once they got to their shared room, kisses were planted on his face. Dimitrius let his tears and fears loose, hugging his mate close to him, never wanting to let go.

Viktor soon started to sing an old lullaby that he used to sing when he woke with nightmares. It was a sweet song that you would never expect to hear from the rumble of the drakon's voice, but Dimitrius did not care. Soon, his tears stopped and he fell asleep.

The next day they did not eat in the hall for breakfast, and instead walked through the forest.

"I can feel the magic flowing through these woods. I love it." Dimitrius smiled and let his true form come to the surface. His ears pointed, antlers appearing on his head and flowers intertwined with them. His eyes became slitted like a cats and his skin darkened, the pale form becoming a nice tan.

Viktor did the same, letting his wings emerge from his back and horns from his head. Red scales dotted the tan skin in patches, the biggest on his bare back around his wings.

"My little wood elf." The drakon rumbled, pulling him close. Their noses touched, rubbing together as they took their time memorizing each other. It was taking everything in Dimitrius' body to not pin his mate down and ride him until neither of them could speak.

A twig snapped in the distance, too loud for it to be any of the creatures that live in the forest. Viktor gave a low warning growl, and the bushes parted, showing a veela and a seer. They were mates, unbonded but not rejected, probably only having met out in the forest where they could show each other their true forms.

The seer, a young blonde with hair that went to her waist in waves, smiled a dazed grin, showing her teeth. She was a submissive, a rare thing to find in seers. The veela had been tense at the two, but seeing that they were mated, and her form loosened when Dimitrius gave her submissive a small smile back.

"My name is Luna. It is nice to meet you, Dimitrius and Viktor." Luna said, her eyes glowing a shade of purple. She had just seen a vision, most likely about the two mates in front of her.

Dimitrius cautiously stepped out from behind Viktor, eyes narrowing as he took in the two women. Luna was young, or at least her form was, and the veela was around Viktor's age and was at war in her head, probably wanting to protect her mate but knew that the two in front of her were mated.

"My name iz Fluer." She grunted, her wings tucking into her back. That was a sign of neutrality, showing that she would not be submissive, but not dominant. Viktor did the same thing with his own wings, but his had them merge into his back so that they would disappear. His true form melted away to show his human one. Dimitrius did the same with his own form, saddened by the loss of freedom.

The two mated pairs talked for a little while, Luna not mentioning his biology once. He was thankful for that, he did not want to be reminded of his true parents after such a nice day.

"Are there any other mates here?" He asked Luna before they left.

She have him a dreamy smile. "Some. There is another wood elf that is mated to an air spirt that graduated." She gave him another smile before lacing her hand with her mate and dragging her away.

"They are an odd pair." Viktor wrapped his arms around his mate once more, and kissed him until they were breathless.

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