Chapter 4

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Dimitrius tried to mask his panic, but knew this man could see it even if he did managed to cover the emotion. Asha slid off his body, almost as if she could sense that something was going to happened.

"I-I am sorry, but my name is not Hadrian. If that is all-" He went to stand but his legs would not work.

"I believe that you know what I said. I am surprised that you did not remember me even after twelve years." The Potions Master drawled, watching Viktor over Dimitrius' shoulder. "We searched for you all over, but here you are."

The boy looked down at his hands and tried to search his mind for the answers that he was looking for. But, due to being so young, most of things he could remember were the Potters and Dumbledore. He shook his head, hoping that he could make some sense of this situation.

"I- this does not make any sense." Dimitrius whispered to himself, dropping the fake accent he puts up. "Why would you know who I was?"

Snape only sighed. "I am mated to your godfather. He became obsessed with finding you after you disappeared. I only met you a handful of times, but Sirius came back smelling like you every time he visited the Potters."

Dimitrius' eyes widened in recognition. "Padfoot. I use to chase him around the yard when he was in his animagus form. I almost forgot about that."

The teacher nodded his head, standing up. Viktor moved to his mate, looking at him in worry. The teen shrugged him off, also getting up to stand.

"Would you like to see him again? He is here and would be delighted to see you again." Snape asked, motioning to a door that lead to the teachers office and chambers. Dimitrius nodded hesitantly after a moment, grabbing at Viktor's hand and intertwining their fingers.

Almost as soon as they were through the door that would lead to the teachers chambers, he caught a scent that he has not smelled in a long time. Sirius', along with a mix of Severus, the man had asked for them to call him by his first name, and a werewolf.

"Siri? Remy?" The Dark Veela called out quietly as they exited the short hall that lead into a sitting room. In front of the fire were two man that seemed to be the opposite of each other. One was wearing dark muggle clothing with his hair pulled into a low bun, while the other wore a pair of comfortable pants and shirt with a book in hand.

"Sev! Tell Moony that it's not okay to just sit and... Hadrian?" The man abruptly stood up, shock clear on his face. Remus Lupin closed his book and stood beside his mate, almost as if he was defending him. Subtly, Dimitrius scented the air once more and found the light undertone of fae coming from his godfather. Viktor stiffened behind him, noticing this as well.

"I prefer Dimitrius. It is nice to see you after all these years." He kept his voice calm, not wanting a fight to happen between his mate and the Fae just because of instincts. "I will not be able to stay long."

Sirus' nodded quickly. "Of course, I- I don't even know what to say. I, we searched for you after James and Lily said that you had been taken."

Dimitrius shook his head. "I was not taken. Lily and James did not like that I had a creature inheritance. Dumbledore apparated me to a forest in Bulgaria, hoping that I would die from the cold or an animal."

Sirius frowned, a growl almost escaping his throat. "Dumbledore helped us with our search, giving us tips and whatnot. But he was just leading us away..."

A bell could be faintly heard from outside the room, signaling the next class is starting. "We should go. It was nice seeing you all, and I will try to come back if I can."

Sirius nodded, Severus leading the two out of the room and back to the class room. "Damn, that was awkward." He chuckled sadly to himself, his creature happy to see that his godson was alright. Even if he did have a drakon for a mate.

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