Chapter 5

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Dimitrius' head was pounding as voiced conversed around him, his eyesight blurry from disorientation.

"... A heavy glamour is over him, very dark and will... harmful to remove." The submissive recognized the voice as the Hogwarts Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. "It seems our guest is awake. Dear Mary, can you go and check on young Mr. Krum?"

The girl nodded and left the stone room that only had a single window, giving light for Dimitrius to get a better look at the others in the room with him. Lily Potter stood with her husband. Severus was next to the Headmaster, eyes glazed over, a compulsion spell having been placed on the potions master. The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was stiff as the magical eye was staring directly at the teen.

"Alastor, can you see through the glamour?" The old man turned, his charmed robes twinkling as he did. The bright blue was not nice to Dimitrius' sensitive eyes. Alastor grunted a 'no' and shook his head.

"Not really, it shifts between faces, just makes him blurry. Trying to confuse me. Maybe weaken it, then maybe." Dimitrius could smell the slight lie from the man, under the many spells that the man had drenched himself in. Some were protection, but others screamed dark magic. True dark magic. Magic that was solely created to hurt, to kill and to posses and rule over.  There was also something else about him...

A slight smirk was on Lily Potter's face. "Can you tell if it is dark?" She was nearly bouncing on her heels.

The man shook his head and the woman's mood faded for a moment. This made Dimitrius' pale as he thought that she might try to take of the glamour disguising his prominent Potter features, which was his weakest glamour. It only hid the small similarities he held between him and James Potter. Most of his other genes that he had gotten was from Dorea Black Potter. Any other Potter traits that he had was dissolved when he had come into his creature form. The other was his creature glamour, hiding all of the things that would be seen as unnatural to others.

"Can you-" A growl cut off the Lady from the hall leading out from the door, a shriek following closely after. Mary Potter came rushing into the room, hiding herself behind her father, who had his wand pointed at the door way.

Dimitrius could feel the rage coming from the bond he has with Viktor and almost wanted to smirk. His mate could not be harmed by any simple 'light' spells that the wizards and witch in the room would cast.

An ear piercing roar echoed through the tower and part of the castle, something of pure fury and anger. Dimitrius could feel that his mate's mind was clouded with something that was messing with his senses.

Viktor bursted into the prison cell-like room with his wings on his back, dark red horns standing proudly on the top of if head. Many of the magical people in the room gasped, not expecting the Quidditch star to be a creature.

"W-what is that?" Lady Potter sputtered and was behind her husband with her daughter. Dimitrius scoffed and quickly over powered the containment charms that had been placed on him.

"My love, you can not kill them." The submissive purred as he moved to put himself between his dominant and his old family. Viktor growled lowly, wrapping his mate in his arms and checking him over for and cuts or bruises.

"They tried to keep you away from me! They need to be punished." Viktor glared at the trembling family and pale headmaster. Alastor Moody left the room quietly, seeing that the Drakon's attention was on the Potters and Dumbledore.

"Viktor! Why... why didn't you tell me that you were a creature!" Marigold seemed to gain some confidence, stepping slightly out from behind her father. Viktor's eyes glazed over for a moment, but then he shook his head and growled at the girl.

"What did you do to me!" He roared, gripping Dimitrius tightly in his arms. James Potter looked ready to hex the creature in front of him.

"Viktor! It's Mary. You still remember me... right, Viktor? You still love me..." Dimitirus was the one to growl this time, not realizing that in his rage that his glamour on his creature dropped. His hair lengthened and antlers grew on top of his head. But, as he did this, the glamour that held his Potter features fell.

Lily Potter gasped, in shock and disbelief. "You... you look like James..."

Dimitrius snarled. "Stay away from my mate and I, and you will not feel our wrath." After those words, both concealed their forms and quickly made their way out of the tower.

Barty Crouch Jr. knelt before a handsome man that was wearing dark robes, sitting in a throne like chair.

"Rise, Barty. Has your infiltration proved to be fruitful?" The Dark Lord commanded his follower, hissing words to the large snake that sat curled up at his feet. Hearing Parseltongue made the young man shiver in fear and pride, glad to have this powerful man leading him.

"Yes, my Lord. Viktor Krum is a creature, mated to the lost Potter, Hadrian. Though, now he goes by Dimitrius. Marigold Potter wanted to... have Krum be hers, but before they were about to take off the glamours around Dimitrius, Krum woke up and protected his mate. Do you think that they will be good allies?" Barty looked hopefully up at his Lord, praying that his information was usable.

Lord Voldemort hummed. "They will make powerful assets if we can sway them to our side, which I do not believe will be hard. Have you put the Girl-Who-Lived's name in the Goblet?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Good. Keep an eye on Severus for me, will you? I do not want Dumbledore getting his hold on Severus again." Barty nodded and left the mansion, a crack of apperation could be heard from outside.

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