Chapter 3

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Dimitrius didn't even shiver when the cold morning air brushed against his body. The warmth that covered his smaller form pulled him closer until he was met with the very exposed neck of his mate. From his angle, it gave him a clear view of the mark he had made when he had been fourteen.

Giving a slow, hesitant lick to the tan skin, he giggled when the wing around him shivered, He gave the mark another lick, lightly sucking on the skin there.

Viktor moaned as he woke to his devious mate teasing him. Quickly, he flipped them so that his mate's back was on the ground. "What do you think you are doing, little one?" He questioned, his nose tracing the smaller's jaw. "We have class today."

Dimitrius cried out when his mate grabbed hold of his semi hard cock. "I-I wanted to-Ah!- give you a good- Oh Viktor!" He panted as his mates fingers left his cock and started to circle his sensitive entrance, occasionally slipping in to tease his mate.

"You wanted to tease me, then leave just as I was about to tip over the edge. You have done it before, little elf. I do not like it when you do." Viktor leaned on his knees, pulling away from the body of his quivering lover.

"No! Viktor!" He protested and tried to pull his mate back down. But he got an idea when he saw Viktor's cock. As he was reaching to the organ, a hand snatched his own hand away by the wrist.

Viktor clicked his tongue and shook his head. "No, no, no, little one. We will not be having any of that today. We will be late to our classes." Dimitrius whined and stood up, pouting as he reached for his clothes.

Before he could put any of them on, a finger slipped inside of him. "We shall continue this later, my heart." The digit was gone as soon as it was there. The submissive scowled playfully at his mate as he took his time putting on his clothes, knowing that his mate was watching with heated eyes.

With a flick of his wand, Viktor took down any of the spells that he had placed the night before. They both concealed their forms as they walked out of the forest and to the ship, hoping that no one was up just after sunrise.

It didn't take long for them to get to their room unnoticed, only one of the students had been up and they had left the boat to take a morning run.

Both in a fresh set of clothes and washed, Viktor casted a Tempus charm to see when breakfast would start. Seeing as it was minutes away, they made their way to the hall.

By the time both of them had entered the great hall, food was already on the tables, and a few students were scattered about between the four tables. None of the teachers were up yet, but a hand full of ghost floated around.

Dimitrius felt something wrap around his leg. Looking down, he saw that it was an old friend.

~"Asha! I did not think that you would be at Hogwarts!"~ He hissed excitedly as he picked up his familiar. They had bonded when he was young, and their bond was very strained after being taken away. He had tried to get her, but whenever he did it risked him revealing himself or moving to the UK. He didn't want to do neither, after learning about the cruel creature laws that he would have been put under.

~"My Hatchling! Look how you have grown! I see that you have found your mate, Hadrian."~ She curled around his neck like she use to when he was young.

He gave a soft, sad smile. ~"I prefer Dimitrius now."~

Asha gave a nod and Viktor squeezed his hand lightly and guided his mate to a table as the wood elf and his familiar reforged their bond.

~"They gave me to Mary! She did not know how to care for me, and they had told people I was her familiar! Those stupid humans almost step on me daily!"~ She complained more, but Dimitrius was still angry about Marigold. They had said that Asha had been her familiar, even after the girl whined about not liking snakes when he had found Asha.

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