Chapter 7

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Maria, Viktor and Dimitrius strode confidently down the marble halls of the ICW's headquarters in France. The building moved each month to a different wizarding community, but has been favoring France for more than three months.

Workers turned to look that the family, mainly the vengeful air they held around them. Creatures walked behind them, joining in from halls that they had came from.

They all looked ready for a fight.

The Court of Creatures had not taken kindly to one of the few Drakons being threatened, even if this was only through a letter. Creatures from all around the world came to say the wrongs that Albus Dumbledore had done, from being skinned of their scales and plucked of their feathers to try and 'cure' them, or making them take poisons and be tortured just so the old man could learn more about their kind. Mates had been split because he had thought their pairing to be wrong, and children taken from their true parents so that they could be raised the 'right way' by muggles.

At first, Dimitrius thought that there would only be a handful of cases that would protest against the old man, but it turned out that they was over fifty. The number was almost sickening, each case having a family being broken apart by a man that proclaimed himself to be light.

Luna Lovegood and Fluer Delacour joined the growing number, the two blondes sticking close to the head of the group. Dimitrius had first learnt of all the wrongs through Asha, after her seeing the man threaten Fluer by taking away Luna if she didn't act normal for the tournament. Asha had quickly slithered away after hearing yelling in French.

Another Hogwarts student joined quickly after the girls, Cedric Diggory and his mate Oliver Wood were tightly clutching each others hand.

Slamming the doors open to the circular auditorium, the creature's sat on the colored blue guest seats, taking up all that was there and then some, the Lords that supported Dumbledore looking faint.

Dumbledore was seated across from the Krum family, looking pale in his bright red robes. The Potters sat next to him, but no others sat behind the headmaster to defend him.

"The International Confederation of Wizards call this trial to order. The charges against Albus Dumbledore suggest theft, kidnaping, assault, sexual assault, perjury, stalking, hate crimes, and murder. How do you plead, Lord Dumbledore?" The main judge asks, a man in formless black robes.

"Not guilty." Dumbledore says in a strong voice.

"Prosecutors, may you step forward." A female judge demands, gesturing for the two Drakons and Elf to come forward.

As they did, Dimitrius saw Marigold looking as if she was in a battle with herself, trying to figure out if the side she was on was the good side.

Sitting in the wooden chairs, the creatures did not turn to look at the headmaster or the Potters.

"We shall put you under Vertiaserum if you do not have and concerns against it." The main judge spoke.

Dimitrius stood, his emerald eyes flashing. "I cannot take any potions due to being exposed to damaging magics that had put me at risk of loosing my child." Shocked whispers and murmurs could be heard as the submissive revealed his information. Lily Potter looked sick. At what, Dimitrius did not know.

The main judge held up a hand that silenced the Lords of the IWC. "And was this magic cased by Albus Dumbledore or someone under his influence?"


"Very well. Guards, bring the serum."

Two burly men in dark dueling robes stepped forwards, a tray with a vial of a clear potion on the plater. The Drakons each grabbed a vial, downing the potion.

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