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- an - this is a continuation of the video 'THE GRAVEYARD: The Night That Changed Us Forever...' where Sam gets up in the middle of the night.


Sam's POV

I've been laying here for about an hour. I can't sleep. I kinda wanna talk to Colby but I don't wanna wake him up. What the hell do I do... 

*loud ass bang*

Woah, where did that come from-
I sighed, knowing that me being my stupid self would have to check.

I pick up the camera and walk towards the noise

"Guys I just.. I just heard a noise," I say, shivering. It just got a lot colder.

I wish Colby was here

"It came from outside... I'm honestly kind of scared but, anything for you guys."
I really wanna tell Colby, but I can't wake him up, I'll feel bad. He barely gets sleep nowadays anyways.

I walk outside

"Where did that noise come from.." I whispered to myself while looking around.


Wait, what the-

"Sam?" I hear. Is that- 
"What?" I say, looking around frantically. 
"What are you doing-" the familiar voice of Colby finally settled in my head, making me feel a lot better.
"I just heard a noise.." I say, noticing how stupid I sound. I mean, who would go out alone?
"What, so you're just gonna go alone?" he says, with a hint of annoyance.
"I mean no.. I wanted to wake you up but.." 
"Come on, don't go outside alone, ever. If you hear anything, just wake me up, okay?"


Shit- I need to know where that sound was coming from.
"Colbs, stop. Can we at least just check out where the sound came from?"
"Alright, fine" he sighed, "but you better not go off running somewhere."
"Yeah yeah, no guarantees." I laughed. 

I turn on the camera again and start recording.

"Alright guys, we're doing this just for you." I say to the camera. 
"Okay I-I'm pretty sure this is where the sound came from.."
"You're shivering, Sam" 
"It's fine. Do you wanna go inside further? We might be able to get something."
"Come on, let's go." I say, as I drag him by his wrist.
"Sam!" Colby shouts.
I stop.
"Woah.. what is it?"
"Sam we need to go back. You're shivering, we can do this tomorrow."
"I'm fine Colbs, plus we won't be able to get this tomorrow!"
Colby sighed and dragged me by the wrist, allll theee wayyy backk to where everyone was sleeping.

"Oh come on!"
"Stop recording, Sam. You need to start taking care of yourself. First you go out alone, and now this?" Colby says, clearly irritated.
"Fine, whatever. Don't be mad at me." I said sarcastically, turning the camera off.
"I'm just worried for you.." Colby mumbled.
"Nothing, just go back to sleep. I swear if you wake up again-"
"I won't, Colbs, I won't. Just- "

Colby closed the lights, cutting me off.

Oh. Is he actually mad at me?
He wouldn't be, right?

Around 2 hours later

I still couldn't sleep. It's childish, I know, but I was still worried about Colby. 
Was he actually irritated? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. I am irritating, but..

"What is it, did you hear something again?" he said, giggling a bit.
"Come on Colbs, quit making fun of me."
"Alrightttt sorryyy, why did you wake me uppppppp??"
"I was just-" I sighed.
"Mmmm?" It was very obvious he was sleepy.
"You're not mad at me, are you?" I asked, my voice coming out as a whisper.
"What, why would I be? Don't tell me you've been up thinking about this." He said, sitting up on his bed.
"I don't know, I just-"
"No, I'm not mad at you Sam, I have no reason to be."
"Okay." I say, smiling a bit. Of course I still think he's mad at me, I can't help it.
I sighed softly, which Colby might've noticed.

I closed my eyes and heard someone...moving?
I started turning around, and saw him beside me.

"What the hell Colbs?-"
"What? Do you have a problem with this? I can go ba-"
"Whatever. It's fine. Just- shut up."

I turn around and hear him giggling. 

I cannot with this guy.

"You're cute, Sam" Colby mumbles, while laughing.
"I heard that bitch-"

"You're cute too--" I whispered.
"Aww," Colby whispered back, "sammy wammy thinks I'm cute?"
"Just shut up man, I cannot with you anymore."



Colby's POV

"Just shut up man, I cannot with you anymore." Sam says.

This gives me an idea-
I decided to do what I do best, fake cry. 

"Okay, fine whatever.." I say, pretending to be sad.

This is gonna get him good, he's the most sympathetic person I know.

"I know you're doing that on purpose, its not gonna work!" He says.
"Y-you told me to shut up.." I said, trying my hardest not to laugh.
"Come on, seriously?!" Sam screams, turning around to face me.
I start giggling.
"Why are you like this." Sam whines.
"I love you too" I say. I love annoying him.
"Yeah okay, go to sleep and let me sleep. Don't pull any other act, I'm begging you."
I pull him closer to me, "Okay, sure.." I say.

A few minutes later, I hear him snoring softly, cuddled into me. He's a quick sleeper.

He's such a cutie.



If you guys have any recs then write them in the comment thingyyy
I might make a chapter on thattt


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