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an - this is, once again, another made up story. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help :D

btw in this sam and colby live in the same house. alsooo just to clear up any confusion, sam and colby are not dating in this story nor have been dating in the past stories!!! but clearly something has been going on------ what????????????????? who said that????????????????

no but like fr tho half of the 'flirting' are just jokes okay???? 

Sam's POV

'I am so so so so so excited for today.' I thought as I laid in bed.
It was 9 a.m, and my special birthday day had just began!
The first thing I thought of was to talk to Colby.

I got out of bed and got ready, brushing my teeth and wearing new clothes.
I went out of my room and looked around the house, and, surprisingly, Colby was nowhere to be seen.
He's usually wandering around the house doing random shit.
I walked to his room, thinking he might just be asleep.
The door, though, was already open.
Huh, weird.

I walked in and saw Colby.. on his phone?
He looked at me.
"Oh, hey love!" He said.
Did he...forget?-
"Hi Colbs," I pause, "what are you doing?" I ask, genuinely confused.
He wouldn't forget my birthday, I've known him since like forever.
"Nothing much, really. I woke up around an hour ago, and I've been bored as shit-" He said.
Oh. So he did forget.

"Did you just wake up?" he giggled, "you look sleepy-"
"Yeah, I did." I said, ignoring how cute he was.
"So like.." I took an awkward pause, "do you wanna do anything today?"
"Oh, sure! Why though?" He looked at me, confused.


"Just for fun!-" I said, forcing a laugh.
"Anyways, I'm gonna go eat something." I said, starting to leave his room.
"Alright!" He shouted as I left his room, closing his door.

What the hell?

Maybe he's just pranking me, you know?
But what if he actually did forget my birthday?
What if this isn't a prank?

Okay, I'm gonna stop-

I went to the kitchen and made myself a quick sandwich.
I realized I had been getting birthday wishes from everyone.
But I didn't get one from the person who mattered to me most.
I opened my phone, and saw wishes from Jake, Corey, Kat, Tara, and all my other friends.
Millions of fans were wishing me too!
But all I wanted was to hear a 'Happy Birthday, love!' from Colby.

I jumped on the couch and turned on my phone, replying to all the wishes.
I opened Instagram, and the first thing I checked was Colby's chat.
I sighed deeply. This was actually making me sad.
I laid on the couch, my only entertainment being my phone, when Colby finally came downstairs.

Maybe he's here to wish me!

"Hey Sam! I'm gonna go out to get some food, wanna come?" He asked, "You did say you wanted to go out somewhere today!"
I smiled at his effort. 
"No, it's fine. I'd rather stay home for now." I replied.
"Alright, bye!" He said, blowing me a kiss and leaving the house. (the kiss was a joke <3 sarcasm yk)
I wiped the fake smile off my face as soon as he left the house.
I kept on repeating the same thought in my head.
There's no way he forgot.


Colby's POV

Okay so, I've been pranking Sam this whole day, pretending that I forgot his birthday.
Obviously, I would never ever ever ever forget his birthday.
Some fans suggested I do this prank, but honestly, I don't really wanna do it anymore-
It hasn't even been half the day and I already feel horrible.
I just left the house, telling Sam that I'm going to get some food, but I'm not, obviously.
To be honest, why should I waste my time doing this stupid prank when I could be spending this time with Sam?

Why am I wasting my time doing this prank?-
What the hell-
Realization hit me like a brick.
I turned my car around and headed back to the house.
Come on, Colby. Pranking your best friend on his birthday? Really?

(has happened before, cannot deny)

I reached the house, anxious to even open the door.
What if Sam was on the couch, crying?
What if he was extremely sad because of this?
I mean, he obviously is.

I slowly opened the door, and the first thing I saw was Sam lying on the couch, asleep.
He was sleepy in the morning, so-
I looked at him, and he looked upset.
No shit sherlock, Colby.

"Sam...?" I whispered.
He stayed still.
What the fuck- he's such a deep sleeper.
"Sam-" I said, shaking him.
"Mmm?" He finally mumbled.
How tired was he?-
"Sam! Get the fuck up-"
"Okay okay I'm getting up." He said as he yawned.

He, in fact, did not get up.
Well, he technically did.
He got up, and then put his head on my lap, since I had my legs crossed.
So, he was still lying down-
"Sam, listen."
"Yeaaahhh I'm listening."
"I didn't forget your birthday. I know its your birthday today."
"W-wait what?-" he mumbled, "I thought you forgot."
"How the fuck could I forget your birthday, love." I looked at him with sad eyes.
"I dunno.." He said, looking away from me.
I genuinely felt like a horrible person. 

"I'm really sorry, Sam." I said, moving his chin with my hand so that he was facing me again.
He smiled at me softly.
"It's okay, Colbs."
"Happy Birthday, love." I said, moving the hair covering his eyes.
He smiled the biggest smile.
"Thanks, Colbs!"

He got up, or at least attempted to.
My strong muscular arms didn't let him ;) (an- IM SO SORRY)
"Oh, okay then." Sam laughed, lying back down.

He looked at me for a while, then finally spoke.
"You know, I actually thought you forgot my birthday." he started. My heart broke.
"I was getting birthday wishes from literally everyone, but not you." He said, laughing a bit.

It wasn't funny. He shouldn't be laughing :(

"I'm so sorry, love. Some fans suggested I prank you, and I thought it was a good idea, but I couldn't really keep up the prank-" I said as I messed with his hair.
"Yeah, cause you love me too much-" He giggled.
"Mhm, okay." I said, laughing.

"Well," Sam said, standing up, "the prank is over, soooo can we go out somewhere now?" 
I smiled at how much of a kid he was.
"Yeah, lets go-" 
"Let's go to a haunted place-"



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