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an - this is a continuation of the video 'OVERNIGHT at Haunted Queen Mary Ship (w/KianAndJc)' where colby gets accused of knocking on the door. i felt so bad for him here :(

Colby's POV

Sam, Kian, Jc, and I were staying at the Queen Mary Ship overnight. This was the ship that changed our lives, and it felt really weird for us coming back. 
We were all getting really scared cause we kept hearing knocks and sounds everywhere.

Sam, being Sam, said he wanted to stand outside of B340, the room which made us believe, just to hear for any noise.
Honestly, I was completely in the negative about doing this. 
This room changed our beliefs, changed literally everything, and even just going near the room made me nervous.
Eventually, though, we all agreed and started walking towards the room.

"Oh, I just remembered this too-" I started, "first time we came here, we stood outside that room, and we heard that exhale!" I said, imitating the exhale that me and Sam had heard.
"Ohh yeah!" Sam whisper-shouted. 
"We both thought it was us, but it wasn't." I said.
"Yeahh, we kept blaming each other!" Sam said.
This is exactly why I was terrified of this room.

We all continued walking towards the room, when we finally reached.
"Oh, no no no-" Sam started saying in a whisper.
"Wait- wait Sam, look-" I said, pointing to the door of the room B340.
The room had the fucking key in it.

Sam started saying he wanted to go in, but I convinced him not to, saying that we told everyone we would never go back, and also, someone might be staying in the room.
It was weirdly quiet, and I hated that.
"This is where everything happened-" Sam whispered. 
He looked genuinely scared.
I wanted to hug him, but it wasn't the right time.

"You know what we should do-" Sam said softly, "just- just for the viewers' sake?"
I nodded slightly, telling him to go on.
"We should try... asking for a knock again-"
"No way, dude! Why?!" Kian whisper-shouted.
"You know that's what everyone wants us to do!" Sam replied. 
He wasn't wrong, but he needs to start taking care of himself.
It's not always about the viewers.
(this is exactly why sam gets attachments)

"That's exactly what the viewers want!" Sam said, turning around to face me again. 
He clearly wanted me to agree with him, judging by his fucking doe eyes.
"But it isn't about them right now, it's about us." I said truthfully.
"This is where we had our most paranormal experience, don't you want to try just one more time?-" Sam asked convincingly.
I sighed. 
It was true, this was the place where we got the most evidence, but I was worried about us. 
What if something bad happened? 

I looked at the door, then back at Sam.
"Just ask, one more time, for a knock." Sam said.
Man I hate how convincing he is.
"Oh my god." I muttered as I walked towards the door.
I looked back, and thankfully, Sam was walking with me.

"Are you sure?-" I asked Sam for the 10th time. I really didn't wanna do this.
Sam looked back at Kian and Jc.
"They're leaving, it's worth a shot." Sam said, looking back at me.
I took a deep breath, then started.

"If... If there's- If there's anybody behind this door," I paused, breathless for some reason, "knock and make yourself present." 
Sam and I waited, scared as hell, not knowing whether anything was going to happen or not.
We stood there for a minute, and heard nothing.

"What did you say last time? Something like if there's any spirit out there-" Sam said.
"Should I try that instead?" I asked.
"Yeah- yeah."
"We were in this room last time," Sam said, pointing to the door beside the one we were standing in front of, "maybe try this one-"
"Wait so, what do I say? Spirit?-" I asked.
"Y-yeah- just ask if there's a spirit." Sam replied.

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