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Republic Military Complex - Coruscant

After being demoted to a Sergeant silver class, Chief was assigned as far away from the front lines as one could get. His new assignment was protecting important senators on Coruscant who had received severe threats or were in imminent danger.

Recently there were talks among senators that the Intergalactic Banking Clan was offering reduced interest rates for the Separatists and increasing rates for the Republic. In response, Senator Padme Amidala was tasked by Chancellor Palpatine to travel to Scipio and investigate the matter personally. Due to the neutrality of the banks, Republic and Separatist troops alike were not permitted within the central financial district. If troops entered it would cause the balance of neutrality to come into question.

Because of this mission's sensitivity and Senator Amidala's apparent knack for trouble, Palpatine paired the recently demoted supersoldier and senator together for the assignment. Chief primary goal was to ensure the protection of the senator but some secondary objectives were also outlined. These included observing and collecting as much intelligence as possible and investigating any possible CIS interference on Scipio.

Though he was not pleased with the assignment, Chief relished the opportunity to get off Coruscant and as far away from Palpatine and Tarkin as he could get. He would be meeting with the senator in an hour but he first had to obtain the appropriate weapons for the mission. Because he was no longer part of the Republic Security Agency, 117 was limited to the selection of blasters and explosives he could take with him. Going into the armoury and talking to the armourer, Chief convinced the trooper to allow him access to some of his old weapons. This included his assault rifle, pistol and vibroblade. However, he was limited to one pistol and per the mission's parameters, wasn't allowed to take any detonators. Instead, Chief opted to take with him a trio of EMP grenades that he could use in case of a droid encounter.

Thanking the officer and leaving the armoury, Chief met up with Commander Thorn and a small contingent of Coruscant Guard troopers that were going along for the mission. Because of the investigation's importance, the IBC allowed the Republic to send a security escort for the senator, though they would have to remain outside the city gates. They did not know of course, that the Republic's best operative was also coming and would be entering the city on his own terms. "Commander Thorn, what is the security looking like for this mission?"

"Besides the two of us, we'll be taking twenty troopers along for the mission. For vehicles, we have the cruiser and six escorts. We'll set up the cruiser as an F.O.B. whilst we are on the ground." From what Chief had gathered from Fordo and Rex, Thorn was hard as nails and had a cunning ability to think on his feet. Though he wasn't as loose with protocol as Chief or Fives, he wasn't nearly as uptight as the other officers he served alongside.

"Copy that Commander, I'll go meet with Senator Amidala now and rendezvous with you on the main Senate landing pad." Chief replied before heading over to a speeder that was taking him to the Galactic Senate. Boarding the transport, Chief gave the signal for the driver to depart and fly over to the large dome in the middle of the city.

After about a 15-minute commute to the Senate district, Chief finally touched down on the main landing platform. Thanking the pilot before disembarking the small transport, upon his exit onto the platform, he was immediately met by Lieutenant Argus, a young Senate Commando officer who had joined the GAR shortly after the war started. Though they weren't as well trained as clones, the Senate Commandos were still held in very high regard despite being one of the only non-clone units in the GAR. "Master Chief, Senator Amidala is currently still in a session with the other senators but she'll meet you in her office once the senate adjourns."

"Thank you, lieutenant. I'll head up to the Senator's office straight from here. There'll be a cruiser landing on the main platform in a few minutes for us, can you just have some of your men check it one last time before we depart."

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