[ 03 ] man eating serpents

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CHAPTER THREEman eating serpents

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man eating serpents


"YOU KNOW WHAT I'D LIKE TO KNOW?" Finn asks, heavily trudging through the shrubs of the hill, carefully avoiding the thick fern and roots of the trees now that they're back in a denser forest, "Why send us down today, after 97 years? What changed?"

"Who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell and now I'm spinning in a forest," Octavia sighs dreamily, a flirtatious smirk finding its way onto her face when she hangs onto a tree and spins around its trunk, coming face to face with Finn. He walks past without any reaction.

"Yeah, in a forest of mutant deer," Hemingway's wide eyes zone out into the distance, lip curling in distaste. Still not over their previous encounter, it seems. Nadine snorts, finding peace of heart in his misfortune.

"Maybe they found something on a satellite. You know, like an old weather satellite, or—"

"It wasn't a satellite. The Ark is dying," Griffin announces darkly, interrupting Green and forcing everyone to stop in their tracks and look back at her with unpleasant, even mortified surprise, while she just walks through them all and doesn't stop walking or even slow down, "At the current population level, there's roughly three months left of life support, maybe four now that we're gone."

Yet again, no emotion crosses Nadine's face, but her stomach does twist up in a tight knot that refuses to stand down. There's a sour taste in her mouth, thoughts and heart racing... So it's only a matter of time before her parents die? Before Constantino dies?

"So that was the secret they locked you up to keep? Why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man?" Finn asks, awfully considerate.

Griffin almost rolls her eyes, though still explains patiently, "My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The Council disagreed, my mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public anyway, when Wells..."

"What? Turned in your dad?" Green wonders impatiently.

"Anyway, the Guard showed up before we could," Griffin finishes, "That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they've bought themselves more time."

"They're gonna kill more people, aren't they?" Green cuts in from the back again. The blonde's silence as she merely treks on is enough of an answer, the rest of the group slowing to a stunned stop. Nadine kicks the toes of her boots into the cushion of moss, chewing on the inside of her cheek. She left without a word, without saying a single thing to her parents. By now, they are most likely aware of her crime, and the Ark is being tossed and turned around in search of her. She doesn't understand why going to Bellamy was her first choice and how he dragged Nadine to the Skybox with such a rush that it never even occurred to her that her mother and father have been left behind, left in the dark.

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