Your bestfriend 2

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I sat on the couch alone watching a movie and having frozen bolognese. I started hearing ratting at the door which freaked me out. I grabbed the lamp by the TV and crept towards the door. This is stupid. I mumbled to myself. I turned around with my lampshade and ran, hiding in my special place. I could hear rattling in the door which confused me until it opnened. I covered my eyes and until I heard 2 familiar voices. I sighed relief and stepped out of the little space, into the living room.

Harry's eyes immediately snapped up to mine as he held Melanie for support. She was obviously piss drunk.

"Back from your date so soon." I commented. He nodded his head as Melanie laughed at herself.

"Her room?" He asked as his eyes travelled towards the stairs.

"Um..." I mumbled trying to remember my directions. "First room on the left." He nodded his head and half carried-half dragged her half awake body up the stairs. Soon he was back down.

"Why did you let my best friend get drunk." I snickered to myself. It wasn't his fault but I was going to pretend it was.

"I'm sorry but she just kept going wine after wine. I couldn't stop her." He sighed running a hand through his hair. I chuckled and nodded my head. We stood in an awkward silence until I offered to walk him out.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again Y/N." He called out as he walked to his car.

"Likewise." He got in and started the ignition but it wouldn't work. He continuously started it but no luck. I turned around to shut the door until he hooted at me. I sighed and followed towards him as he opened his window.

"It's not starting. 1, I've got no fuel and 2, battery is also probably dead." I groaned at him as he gave me a sheepish smile. I rolled my eyes as we went back into my house.

"You can call someone to come and pick you up." I stated after sitting on the couch and rewinding my movie.

"Um...I don't have my phone..."

"Ugh why doesn't that surprise me. You're so irresponsible." I chucked him the home phone from the table as he gave me a dimpled smile. He walked into the kitchen as I continued to watch my movie.

10 minutes later he finally entered the room. He didn't look overly too happy.

"Sorry, no luck." He plopped himself on the couch next to me which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Can't you walk?"

"No, it's 12km and I'm scared of the dark."

"Gosh, I thought maybe by now you w-"


I sighed and rubbed my temple but decided to let him sleep here just for tonight. He seemed a little over joyed for my liking but I shrugged it off.

"Sleepy?" I asked as I paused the movie. He shook his head and got himself comfy. I handed him the remote and stood to leave but he yanked at my wrists and tugged me back down. I looked at him confused with the blanket kind of draped over my and his lap. He switched the TV off with the remote and turned to look at me.

"Let's talk,"


"Anything he shrugged. I want to know what you've been doing ever since high school ended." He smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Please Bumblebee?" He begged using that awful nickname he gave me when we were dating.

"Gosh, never call me that. That was the worst nickname you could ever give someone." I whined rubbing my face. He laughed as his chest vibrated the couch causing me to giggle.

"Oh yea..." He smirked. "Haz, Curly fry and Dipweet where any better."

I chuckled at the stupid nicknames we had given each other back then. How creative were we.

"Are you going to answer my question?" He asked licking his lips, making my eyes immediately divert to them.

"Uh... Okay so I've been studying to become a psychologist ever since. I met Melanie at that summer break we went with our friends in the last year of school." He looked confused at the mention of it.

"The one we went to when we broke up..." I mentioned biting my lip. He nodded his head and ushered me to continue speaking.

"Yeah we ended up going to the same Uni by accident and then decided to move in together to split rent. She introduced me to her brother who started off really sweet and we dating for about 3 months but then things got weird when he became obsessed with video games. I then tried with Percy but he was still in love with his ex but I guess I was ok with it since we only kissed twice. Oh! I then dated M-"

"Stop. I don't need to hear about all the guys you dated." He frowned suddenly wanting to change the topic.

"Well you asked what I've been d-" I mumbled but he cut me off again.

"I just. Nevermind. Moving on..." He mumbled avoiding eye contact with me. I rolled my eyes and got up to leave again but he snatched me back down again.

"It's my turn." He smirked, popping dimples. I groaned deeply at him as began talking.

"So I've been studying law but I'm still really keen on music." He nodded. "I still work at bakeries which pay me a solid amount of money. I'm currently living with Louis."

"Wait, Louis Tomlinson? They guy we met at 10th grade camp?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

He nodded his head and smiled at me. "Yeah that's him. The same place I asked you to be my official getting Louis to do it for me."

We both laughed at the memory, finally sharing a moment where I didn't roll my eyes.

"Oh, and then Elizabeth was all pissed at me because she claimed she had first dibs on you." I recalled.

"Yeah so she soaked you in your day clothes. Ah, the beauty of white shirts with black bras." He smirked winking at me. I slapped him with a pillow which kind of knocked him off guard.

"Hey!" I couldn't help but laugh at his slow reaction. He gave me a pouty face which i slapped off with a pillow again.

"Hey, remember that creek where you made me scrape my knee on that rock." I rose an eyebrow. I still had the scar from when I got stitches.

"Hey, you can't blame me for trying to be a little romantic."

"You were 15 Harry, what did you know about romance?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders.

"But I remember trying so hard to set that up then you went ahead and got hurt."

"Hey! You're the one who let me trip. If we had just gone to the arts and crafts, I wouldn't have gotten hurt. I still have that scar." I mumbled to myself, folding my arms across my chest.

"I didn't let you trip, you fell on your own."

"Whatever. So...I've been come you told Mel that we had dated for 5 months...?" I asked curiously, hoping not to come off offended.

He gave me a shy smile as he brought the blanket closer to his face. I yanked it back as we fought for it back and forth until I realised I ended up sitting so close to him.

"Sorry..." I mumbled scooting a little away. He shook his head and kind of pulled me back with one hand.

"You've sti-"

"I know." He began.

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