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I stared at the image of 'my family'. We were still so little at the time, mum and dad with big cheesy grins and Liam and I making funny faces. I couldn't help but notice the resemblance in everyone's faces but mine.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see anything that would make me feel more like part of the family.

"Watcha' looking at?" Liam asked as he walked into the room with a pop tart in his mouth. I sat on the one of the beds and continued to look at the picture. He looked at me strangely as he sat by me, looking at the picture as well. "Miss them?"

I couldn't help but break down in tears. I dropped the photo and curled up in a ball, with my legs to my chest. Liam pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I had silent tears but my breathing was uncontrolled. I couldn't stop crying until he started singing to me. Soon, the tears stopped flowing and i was able to breath like an actual human being. But what I dreaded the most was the questions that would follow my breakdown in front of him.

He hadn't seen me cry in 11 years. Even when I broke my arm when I was 10, I didn't cry in front of him.

I lifted my head from his chest to see it was a little soaked. I looked up to him, who only held a concerned look as he stroked my hair.

"Did...did I say something wrong. Did Harry? I swea-"

"No, it's not you or Harry." I replied back. I could tell he was waiting for a proper explanation. I wasn't ready to give him one but I guess it had to be done. " you actually consider me as your sister because you want to or because you have to?"

He looked taken back at my question as he narrowed his eyes at me. He opened his mouth multiple times but nothing came out. I sighed as I moved from him and leaned my head by the end of the bed, still hugging my knees.

"I sometimes wish I had my real family." I mumbled, not expecting him to hear me but he obviously did as he suddenly whipped his head towards me.

"What do you mean 'your real family?' Is the one you've got now not good enough for you? Do you really hate us that much?" He asked a little harsh. I was a little taken back by his sudden outburst. I didn't really know I what to say.

"N-no Ofcourse you are. I j-just. I'm getting older and its only natural of me to begin to feel a little out of place." I muttered, praying he wouldn't burst at me again.

He sighed as he stood up from the bed. Did I really sound that's snobbish that I could piss him off that easily? The half of the pop tart fell onto the ground from the bed but he didn't seem bothered by it at all for the first time.

"We all know you're adopted Y/N, but who cares! You're still a Payne, whether you like it or not. You have been with us for 18 years and nothing is going to change the way we all feel about you. Mum and dad will still yell at you for sneaking out, you will still have to do chores and I will still continue being over protective of you because you are my baby sister." He took a deep breath as he finished his speech. He had been giving me those Payne speeches ever since I was 4 and he was 8. I looked down at my lap and began thinking about what my real parents could be like. But here I am sitting here crying over them and their not even alive. For all I know, they could have been drug dealers or criminals. And how selfish of me to not even think about all my family has given me.

My real family.

"We are your real family. We will always be. You will always have to sit in the backseat because you are the youngest, not because we don't share the same blood. We love you okay? I love you. Please don't think differently." He looked down at me with sadness in his eyes. at me as I stood up. A small smile formed on my lips from his extravagant speech as I wrapped my arms around him in an embrace.

"Are you gu- oh sorry." Harry walked in. We both released from the hug and turned to look at Harry who was contemplating on leaving or not. "Liam, do you m-"

"Go for it." Liam winked at me as he exited the room. I rolled my eyes at him as I sat on the bed and patted the spot next to me for him. Harry smiled at me and sat down, wrapping his arm around my waist as I placed my head on his shoulder.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conve-"

"You were eavesdropping." I stated as I looked up at him. He looked down at me and gave me a little smirk, quickly kissing me on the nose.

"Do you really feel like you don't have a family?"

I sighed as I thought about my answer. I'd be lying if I said no but also if I said yes.

"Sometimes. I just...feel so out of place. Like they only took me in for pity. I know I was only a baby but it would just be nice to know something-anything about my blood parents." I responded, digging my nails into the bed out of habit. He took my hand in his and rested it in my palm, rubbing circles in the back of my hand.

"You don't need them sweetie. Why have 1 when you can have 3. You have your mum, dad and siblings. And then you have us. Louis, Niall, Zayn and I are a part of your family. Even Lou, Lux, Tom...everyone. And then you have the directioners. You are the baby of the family wherever you go and those fans love you. You can't run away from us or shut us out." I was thankful for their words of wisdoms which managed to make me rethink my thoughts.

I smiled as I thought about it. They were right, I did have enough family. Adopted or not, the Paynes and the directioners would always be my family.

"Thanks babe." I muttered as I looked back up at him. He smiled at me and pulled me in for a kiss. We moved in sync but got interrupted when Liam barged in the small tour bus room.

"Keep it PG. And door stays open." He muttered before exiting again. I laughed at my brother and looked back at Harry who was already looking at me.

"I love you." He said for the first time. His eyes widened as he covered his mouth with his hand but I only rolled my eyes and pulled his hand away, ghosting my lips over his.

"I love you too Harry."

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