Love your enemies 11.2

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'So you walked in and he was just sitting there?' Chloe gasped on the other end. I stuffed another pillow behind my head and nodded my head, only then realising she couldn't see me.

"I swear he's mental or just has no sense of privacy. Gosh I wish I could express how much I hate him." I groaned, looking up at the bare ceiling that suddenly became interesting.

'Well...he is quite attractive though.'

I aruptly sat up and put my phone on loud speaker to make sure what I heard was right. There was no way MY bestfriend could have a thing for him.

"No, Chloe please tell me you haven't got a thing for him!"

"Oh come on, you must admit he is really hot. Think about it. His deep emerald green eyes, the dimples on each cheek, perfect chiseled jaw and a body to die for."

I couldn't help but allow my mind to travel to the image of him shirtless at Niall's pool party back at our old house. His V line was so prominent and his abs were perfectly sculpted. But that didn't change the fact I still hated him.

"You see mini, now you're thinking of him." I laughed at how accurate she was about me. She almost knew my every thought before I even thought it.

"Whatever. Now tell me, h-" I started but I was cut off when Harry barged into my room shirtless with grey track pants that were similar to mine.

His eyebrows were furrowed and his hair was messy as if he had been sleeping. I didn't blame him, it was past 3am.

"Can you be any noisier." He groaned, wiping his eyes with his hands. I flipped him off and ignored his mumbling about how I was disturbing his slumber.

"Can you leave." Surprisingly, he didn't protest and walked out of room; closing the door quietly.

A few minutes passed and I began to feel hot so I decided to take my pants off. It was a habit I had and remembering to put them back on was always a struggle.
After deciding it was getting late, I decided to turn my light off and go to sleep.

I woke up when my alarm buzzed right next to me. I always forgot to turn it off for the weekend and it bugged me like crazy when I couldn't fall back asleep.

"Damn it," I whispered, my voice quite croaky from only 5 hours rest. I pulled the blankets off me and went downstairs to make myself breakfast. I settled for scrambled eggs, toast and sausage which would probably only take me less than 20 minutes to make.

I placed the bright pink headphones into my ears and pressed shuffle on my phone. My favourite song immediately came and I couldn't help but dance to it. I must have been so into the song that I hadn't even noticed Harry was standing behind the counter. Only when I turned around to get a plate out was when I was surprised to see him standing there with an amused smirk plastered on his face.

My eyes widened in horror at the fact that he had just seen and heard me singing my absolute worst.

"You have the voice of an angel mini,"

"I uh..." I stuttered for the first time around him. I was never fond of anyone hearing or seeing me sing and dance. He stood up straight from his position behind the counter and walked around to my end, preventing me from being able to escape. I couldn't help but allow my eyes to travel down to his bare torso that was revealing his prominent V line.

For the first time ever, I was nervous. And to be honest I had no clue why I was nervous. It could possibly have been because I had never been this close to a half naked Harry before.

"So," he whispered, his eyes trailing down to my legs. "Have you always liked the Care Bears?"

In confusion, I looked down my legs only to realise I wasn't wearing pants and in fact I was standing here in a shirt and my underwear.

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