1. Death

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"Damn you Lu Mingfei!" Herzog screamed in rage in his white dragon form as his body crumbled to the floor.

A few metres away from him stood Lu Mingfei, who is panting from the fight as some blood is trickling down the right side of his head as he looked at the man with anger.

A few metres away from him stood Lu Mingfei, who is panting from the fight as some blood is trickling down the right side of his head as he looked at the man with anger

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"This is for trying to use Eri, and all those people you sacrificed." Mingfei said with a glare.

"Damn you! If it weren't for you then I would've taken all her blood and won! But because of you I'm in this state!" Herzog shouted in utter rage.

"I'll end it for you then." Mingfei said with a glare as he ran towards the dragon and raised his sword as the dragon's eyes widened.

"Wait wait wait! Don't you dare touch me boy!" Herzog shouted as he watched with wide eyes.

"Die you sorry excuse of a human being!" Mingfei shouted in anger as he plunged his blade through the dragons right eye into his head causing its blood to splatter on him as he roared in pain.

Herzog roared and moaned in pain for a few seconds before his body stopped completely. Not having any energy left to move the dragons body fell limp, signifying his death as Mingfei let out a breath of relief as he let go of his sword. He walked back a few steps before collapsing as he sat on the floor.

He is in an abandoned underground research facility of the Nazi's. A facility that only Herzog knew about due to the fact that he was the only survivor of the scientists who worked in that facility.

"It's finally done." Mingfei said as he panted.

"And our pact is also done." Lu Mingze said as he appeared beside Mingfei.

" Lu Mingze said as he appeared beside Mingfei

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"Oh yeah. What the hell do you want?" Mingfei asked him as he looked at him.

"I already have what I want. You really decided to sacrifice yourself huh." Mingze said with a smile.

(Lu Mingze existence is unknown so I'm just making him a demonic entity who took a small liking to Zero and decided to keep her with him.)

"I had to do it. To make sure that innocents won't be hurt again." Mingfei said with a glare at the boy.

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