5. Summoning a Spirit

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[Are you sure about that? I mean, we have been training for sometime now but should we really do a spirit summoning for him?] Jean asked her spirit eagle telepathically as she looked at Mingfei who is currently tending to the garden.

[Yes I am sure about it. Trust me.] The eagle said to her as it perched on her shoulder.

[Alright. If you say so.] Jean said as she looked at him.

It has been two weeks since Mingfei had been employed in her household and one week since he started to train with Jean. And due to the amount of time they spent with each other during training, it is no surprise that they would get closer, especially for Jean as she had gotten comfortable around him and feels a warm feeling in her chest whenever she is around him or looking at him, though she manages to control her facial expressions to make sure that no one sees it.

She had also been thinking about the summoning that was told by her spirit as it is a very rare thing to happen. Since spirits can see if a person is pure or not they won't give their powers to anyone with evil intentions which is quite good as she and many would be glad to not find someone with a powerful spirit with them.

Of course, conversely due to how the spirits are there are only a few number of people who have been able to get their strength in her own Kingdom, with her being one of those few. Of course, that didn't mean that those without spirits are weak as magic also exists as well. It is just that the presence of a spirit alongside a magic user is quite a force to be reckoned with.

Which is why a spirit summoning is also quite a difficult and important ritual and the information on how to do it is not privy to many. But since it was her own spirit who had told her and considering how kind of a person Mingfei is she thought that he might be able to summon a good one. Though that also meant that she had to have a free schedule to be able to do that.

"Well, I am free today so this is the perfect opportunity to see if it works." Jean said to herself as she went to get ready.

Meanwhile Mingfei is currently tending to the garden as he is watering the flowers as he hummed a tune. His stay for the past two weeks in the new world has been very nice as he had become friends with the people working in the mansion. Not to mention the fact that he has also gotten familiar with the people in the territory.

'Another good day. This is shaping up to be a good time in the new world.' Mingfei thought to himself as he watered the plants.

He looked at the sun as it shone in the sky as he smiled at it as he covered his eyes a bit due to the intensity of its rays.

'The sun is the same here huh.' Mingfei thought to himself as he looked at the sun.

At that moment he remembered his time at the academy back on Earth and the faces of Eri and Nono came to the forefront of his mind as he frowned due to it.

'I guess I have a thing for redheads huh.' Mingfei thought to himself as he scratched the back of his neck.

He then decided to forget about it as he went back to his job. As he was doing that however he heard the familiar sound of the clinking of metal shoes as he turned around and saw Jean walking towards him with a smile as he smiled at her.

"Master Jean." Mingfei said as he looked at her with a smile.

"Mingfei. I need you to come with me for a bit." Jean said to him with a smile.

"Sure. Where do I need to go?" Mingfei asked her curiously.

"Just a little place. I'll tell you on the way. But you have to come inside the mansion to get there." Jean said to him with a smile.

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