3. A Brief Lesson on Topography

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"Thank you for helping me." Mingfei said to the knights as he walked beside them.

"It's not a problem. Are you sure you don't want to ride on a horse?" One knight at the back asked him.

"I'm really sure. I don't have any experience on doing it." Mingfei said politely.

"What do you plan to do after we reach the city?" The knight asked him.

"I think I will try to find a job for myself." Mingfei said to them.

"I suppose. But you really don't know much about the things outside your village do you?" The knight said to him.

"Unfortunately." Mingfei said with a sigh.

"Well, since you are under our protection I could give you some information regarding the city." The knight said catching his attention.

"Really? I would really appreciate it." Mingfei said immediately when he heard that.

After that the knight gave him a rough explanation about the world. There are a lot of species that exist in this world. Humans are one of them and they have been divided into three kingdoms.

The Kingdom of Arcadia. The Kingdom of Xianzu. The Kingdom of Nihon. All of them ruled by a royal family. The three kingdoms together being collectively called as the Human Empire.

Then there are the Dwarves. They live in the mountain area and are united under a single monarchy. They are famous for their craftsmanship and smithing skills and their works are highly sought after by the people of the kingdoms due to their quality.

The next are the Elves. They live in the forests and are isolated from all the other happenings in the world around them. They are known to be quite proud and have great archery and magic skills. They are also very long lived and are also very youthful as well, constituting to their arrogance.

Next were the Beastman. They live in plains and in between mountains and have superior physical abilities. Dare he say that the Beastman have some of the greatest martial warriors amongst the races. They didn't have the smithing skills or magic and archery of the Dwarves or Elves, but they make up for it with pure physical might.

There were also other races like Vampires, Orcs, Lizardmen, and whatnot. But they didn't have much information about those species and so the guard couldn't give him much information.

"Thank you for telling me that." Mingfei said to him with a grateful look.

"Don't worry kid." The knight said to him with a nod.

After that it was a silent trip as he walked alongside the knights. He would look at the female knight, Jean, as she is in the front and has a serious face.

Soon he could see a large kingdom in the distance. He could make out people on the walls, he also saw large arrow launchers on the large wall that is most likely for protection. The wall was as tall as a 5 storey building as he was awed by what he saw.

After they reached the entrance they were let in after the Knights or guards at the entrance had checked him. Since he didn't have anything on him it was no problem to him as he was allowed to enter.

He was greeted with the sight of a bustling mediaeval city with many people walking the streets, vendors on the sides of the road as they called for the people to come buy things from them. Though the attention was now at his group as the people looked and admired the band of Knights that had just entered the city.

"It's lady Jean!"

"And her knights!"

"They're back!"

The citizens celebrated while Mingfei was confused about it as he looked at the people in confusion. But he didn't ask anything and just walked beside them while getting some looks from the people and some of them started to talk about him amongst themselves.

He was a bit nervous but he ignored it as he walked with the knights. They soon reached a less crowded place when the knights suddenly stopped as he looked at them while also stopping. Then his attention was taken by Jean as she got off of her horse and walked to him.

"What do you intend to do now?" Jean asked him curiously.

"To find a job. As you have seen my lady, I don't have any money." Mingfei said to her sheepishly.

"Then it will be quite difficult. Perhaps I can help with that." Jean said to him catching his attention.

"What do you mean?" Mingfei asked her surprised.

"I could give you a job at my family territory." Jean said to him which surprised him and the knights.

"Are you sure lady Jean?" Mingfei asked her surprised.

"Of course. I am a knight and it is my duty to protect a citizen. Do not worry, you will only have to do mundane tasks and will be taken care of by my people." Jean said to him with a smile.

"Would it be alright?" Mingfei asked her a bit skeptically.

He is pretty happy with the offer but he doesn't know how the people will react to having a new employee so suddenly and one such as him who had just appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes it would. So, what do you think?" Jean asked him with a smile.

(A/N: The two of them are the same height by the way.)

Mingfei thought about the offer for a few moments as it would shape how his life would be in the Empire. If he refuses he would be free, but there is no guarantee that he will be able to get a job, and more so if he would get a good one with a fair pay.

If he accepts then we will be working in the territory of a noblewoman like Jean would have its own benifits as it puts him under her protection. Conversely he will also become the target of the house's enemies, though it isn't like he hasn't dealt with enemies before.

He weighed both sides of the deal and came to a decision as he looked at the knight. He then smiled at her as she understood his decision.

"It would be my honour to work for you lady Jean." Mingfei said to her with a smile.

"That's good. Since that has been decided let's go to my home, there I will give you a suitable job." Jean said as he nodded to her.

She then went back to her horse and then started to go towards her home followed by her knights and Mingfei. As they were on their way Jean glanced at him as he looked at his surroundings, memorizing the place around him and the way.

'He doesn't seem to be bad.' Jean thought to herself as she looked at her right shoulder.

Then, unbeknownst to the rest of the people there, an eagle of green energy formed on her right shoulder as it looked at her. One of her knights was also looking at her but they didn't see anything which reveals that it is invisible.

The eagle looked at her and nodded to her.

[Do not worry. That human boy is pure of heart. One of the purest in fact.] The green bird said to her telepathically.

[Then I will trust your judgement.] Jean said telepathically as she looked forward as they made their way to her home.

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