2. Waking Up

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"Hnngh." Lu Mingfei groaned as he slowly opened his eyes.

" Lu Mingfei groaned as he slowly opened his eyes

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( I decided to go with his novel looks.)

He looked confused before his eyes widened as he looked at the clear sky. He remembered what had happened to him mere moments ago so he immediately got off the ground and stood up as he looked around himself alarmed.

He found himself standing in a plain with small grass on the ground as he is standing on a patch of grass. He looked around himself to find no one around him.

"Where am I?" Lu Mingfei said confused.

He wondered if he was in some remote place on the world. It's not like places like this didn't exist in his world.

"I need to find people. Then maybe I can contact someone." Lu Mingfei said to himself as he looked around him.

Deciding that standing there won't do him any good he started to walk in a direction as he looked at the sun in the sky, it was in the middle of the sky signifying that it's midday. He walked for an hour before he came across a lake which caused him to feel relieved. He also saw a forest on the other side of the lake.

He slowly made his way to the lake and kneeled there and then cupped some water and splashed it on his face as he felt the cool liquid cool his face. He then drank some water from the clear as he looked at it.

"It's so clean." Mingfei said as he looked at the crystal clear water.

He drank a few more water from the lake as he enjoyed the water.

"That's the most cleanest I have ever drank in my life." Mingfei said with a relieved tone as he felt the water go inside his body.

'This also tastes very great as well.' Mingfei thought to himself as he sat on the edge of the lake.

"Just where am I?" Mingfei said to himself in confusion.

After he had rested for a bit he walked across the lake and into the forest on the other side. He walked inside as he looked at the trees and plants around him as he couldn't recognise it.

'Maybe I should've paid attention to biology after all.' Mingfei thought to himself as he looked at the forest around him.

He walked around until he spotted apples on a tree as his eyes widened. He immediately ran to the tree and jumped up and managed to grab an apple as he looked at it. He took a bite out of it as his eyes widened at the taste.

'It tastes so good.' Mingfei thought to himself as he took another bite as he enjoyed the taste of the fruit.

He then ate a few more before he was satisfied and then went on his way again. He traversed the forest though he did see some different coloured specks of light here and there which confused him a bit but he was more focused on finding other people and he thought it was his mind playing tricks on him.

He then managed to get out of the forest and he looked at a mud road in front of him. He looked both left and right and saw no one coming so he decided to walk to the right side as he stuck close to the forest due to the shade it provides.

He walked and walked until he spotted a few people in front of him. Though the bizarre thing was that they were on horsebacks rather than any modern vehicle which confused him while also wearing what could be described as Knights armor. But he decided to go to them since they are the only ones who most likely know where he is.

He ran to them as quickly as he could as he saw the men at the back stop, then turn to look at him as he ran to them and stopped a few feet away from them.

"Umm, excuse me sir. I'm kind of lost." Mingfei said to them a bit hesitantly.

The two knights looked at eachother and the ones in front of them had also noticed their behaviour as they turned to look at them and saw the boy.

"Lost? You are alone?" One knight asked him.

"Yes. I'm alone." Mingfei said to them with a nod.

"Are you from Xianzu?" The other knight in the right asked him.

"Uhh..." Mingfei was confused when he heard that.

'That sounds like a Chinese name. But this is the first time I'm hearing it.' Mingfei thought to himself confused.

"What is the problem here?" An woman's authoritative voice is heard causing the knights to go rigid and turn to look behind them.

"Lady Jean, this man here seems to be lost. Though he doesn't seem to know about Xianzu as well." The knight on his left said respectfully.

"Is that so? Let me see him." The woman's voice is heard as the knights moved for the woman on horseback to look at him as he is also able to see her.

" The woman's voice is heard as the knights moved for the woman on horseback to look at him as he is also able to see her

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(No, he isn't in Genshin Impact, I just like her design which is of a knight.)

Mingfei stared at the girl with owlish eyes, but more so on her attire and armaments.

'Am I in the past or something?' Mingfei thought to himself as he looked at her.

"State your name and place of origin." Jean said to him seriously.

"My name is Lu Mingfei. My place of origin is... Qin." Mingfei said confused.

"I have never heard of it. Is it a secluded village?" Jean asked him seriously.

"Something like that. I don't have much contact with others outside my home." Mingfei said to her as he gulped a bit.

'Am I not in my own world?' Mingfei thought to himself in suspicion as he looked at her.

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