4. Becoming A Servant

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"Here are the reports my lady." A maid said as she placed reports on Jean's table.

"Thank you. How is work by the way?" Jean asked the maid as she smiled at her.

"Work is going fine my lady. Also, Mingfei is a hard worker as well. He always helps us and always makes sure to complete his work on time. I'm happy that my lady gave him a job here." The maid said to her with a smile.

"I'm happy to hear that." Jean said with a nod and a smile.

The maid then bowed to her before she left the room as Jean did her work. After going through half the files she stopped and stretched her body a bit as she got up from her chair and went to the window.

She looked down at the garden and saw Mingfei talking with the other servants of her house as she smiled. It has been a week since he started working in her mansion and the people only have good things to say about him.

He is diligent and completes his work in time and was always kind and polite to others. He has also talked with the people outside her mansion and he seems to be in a good relationship with them as well.

She has also interacted with him, mostly because she wanted to keep an eye on him and make sure that he isn't going to do anything that might negatively affect her and her family. Her eagle had reassured her that he is do pure of heart and she had come to agree with its assessment.

In the short time that they have talked she has felt close to Mingfei. Not for any significant reason but for the fact that he treats her like everyone else while still maintaining his politeness. She felt a bit more relaxed around him.

As a heiress to her clan and one of the knight captains of the kingdom she has a public image she had to maintain at all times, even in front of her servants. But around him she didn't feel compelled to, as if he didn't have any kind of previous thoughts about her character and so she doesn't need to put up an act.

She also enjoyed talking to him as he would joke around with her which she found refreshing. Compared to the noble children of the other clans, he was far more likeable to her.

'My spirit was also correct in what it has said. He really is a good person.' Jean thought to herself as she smiled at the boy.

After that they did their respective work before she met him in the library. He doesn't understand their and language and she had decided to tutor him for it. Something which she had come to enjoy.

And just like always he was there before the time and she was happy to see it. She had come to see him as a friend so of course she would be happy about it. She is currently wearing a blue blouse and green skirt as she doesn't like to wear her uniform all the time.

"Hello lady Jean. I hope you had a good day today." Mingfei said to her with a smile.

"I did have a good day. I hope that it was the same for you." Jean said to him with a smile.

"Yeah. Everyone is very nice to me. I'm quite happy that I became a part of your household." Mingfei said to her with a smile.

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, let's start with your studies." Jean said as she sat on the chair.

"Yes. Thank you again for teaching me." Mingfei said as he sat beside her.

And after that they started to study and Mingfei made sure to pay very close attention to it as he had wanted to learn about the language of the world, something which Jean had noticed and was happy about. She was happy to be teaching someone who was so willing to learn.

"By the way Mingfei, do you know any self defence?" Jean asked while they were having a break.

"Uh, yeah. I can use a sword decently." Mingfei said to her at that.

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