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Ninth of October, 2020

Lewis hadn't reached out ever since that day and it was driving Amelia slightly mad. Every time her phone would ping, her heart would drop only to flip it and find either Meghan updating her on her life and Archie's— she strictly asked for no Harry's, Catherine asking to either spend time with the kids or have tea together, her father requesting her presence via assistant, Layla being up for some gossip, Eugenie wanting to catch up, or William being well, William.

"It has been over a month Megs, I called, texted, heck I even DM'ed him but it is almost as if he chooses to ignore me and I know it is not because of the race schedule because the cameras have caught him using his bloody phone! Does he not like me?"

"It's hard to tell Lia, maybe he's figuring things out and you guys haven't made it clear to each other that you mean more to each other or want more than to be just friends. I hate to be that person but Lia you cannot date as you please, you're the Princess of Wales!"

"Geez, thank you ever so much for reminding me. I mean it is not like I do not get reminded enough, right?"

"Okay okay, I know that sounded harsh but I'm just being real with you. Maybe give him space? He'll come to you when he's ready."

"I do not want him to know he can reach me as he pleases. You said it yourself, I am the Princess of Wales, I can be busy as well. In fact, I am going to be so busy he would not know what hit him."

After their conversation, Amelia met with her grandmother and asked for a ton of work as we all as a full schedule for her. If she was busy doing other things, she bets she wouldn't even have time to think about Mr Hamilton.

It immediately went into action as she found herself being driven to different parts of the country alongside Layla to help out with the high inflation of Covid which caused a massive decrease of staff helping. Of course, no one knew of this royal visit to avoid being the centre of the press attention.

Then when they flew back, she buried herself with more work and the occasional babysitting after her two weeks of precautionary quarantine until her phone pinged on a random October morning as a call came through from nine other than Lewis himself.

It was fairly unfair that Lewis refused to speak to her but in all honesty, he was being a bit of a coward about it. He knew he had to talk to her eventually especially since his conversation with Harry but he couldn't help it.

For the first time in his life, he's found a challenge and he...backs down? It wasn't very Lewis of him as Sebastian had stated multiple times but he actually couldn't help it.

After calling Harry, he discovered 2 things. One, if he ever hurt her he's gonna see a side of his best friend that he'd hate to see them two, he might have actually taken a liking to the Princess of Wales.

So here he stands pacing across his hotel room right before he's supposed to be on a flight then a knock rattles him out of his thoughts.

"Hi Lew!" Sebastian smiled as he waltzed into the hotel room when he opened the door

"Come in I guess," He muttered before closing the door and looking at him "So, why are you here?"

"A plus for hospitality, I just wanted to see how things were going with you and the princess."

"Yeah about that..."

"You're self sabotaging again, aren't you?"

"Not exactly,"

"When was the last time you guys talked?"

"When we were still in Russia-" Lewis never got to the end of his sentence before he was whacked by Sebastian taking him by surprise

"What was that for?!"

"You literally left THE Princess of Wales on delivered for months?!"

"I was busy!"

"If you wanted to make time, you would. Why are you running away Lewis?"

"I'm not running away I just, I don't want to mess it up with her."

"You're already messing it up as it is. Man up and call her right now. Apologise and start afresh, agreed?"

"I don't know..."


"Fine, okay."

"Pick up your phone then!"

"I'm doing that hold on." He taps on her contact and puts the phone on speaker to listen to it ring

His heart was pounding out of his chest if he was being honest, and he didn't even know if she would pick because of how distant he's been.

"Hello?" Her voice echoed through the phone and with a sly look on his face, Seb stood up and left the room despite Lewis' pleas

"Is this some kind of joke?" She muttered

"N- no, no it's not. Hey Lia."



"You said hi to me before, can I help you?"

"I- well really, I wanted to apologise."


"Not answering your texts. It was stupid of me, I know. I just don't know what came over me you know?"

"No, I do not know. I am not an object of your desires that you can pick up and keep at any time of your choosing, I do not work that way so if you have an astronomically good reason as to why you are calling me I must bid you goodnight Mr Hamilton."

"No, wait! I'm sorry, truly. I shouldn't have ghosted you like that and you are certainly not an object to me, I promise. I want to prove myself to you. You deserve a lot more and I want to show you."

"And how do you plan on doing so?"

"When I come back to London, me and you, let's go out. I can keep things under wraps and make sure there's no leak or journalists spying on us. Just me and you, please?"

"I would have to ponder over this Mr Hamilton, I will keep in touch-"

"Please Amelia, please." He heard her breathe in heavily before a loud sigh escaped her lips



"Yes Mr Hamilton, I will go out with you."

"Thank you, it is an honour your Highness."

nvsh speaks, theyre going on their 
first DATE!!!! I'm so excited for the 
next chapter to be honest + I wanted 
to give you guys a warning. I've resumed
school so things might not go smoothly 
and it may affect my writing as well due to 
stress and what not but I will do my very 
best to make sure it goes well.

sending all my love to you guys, I hope your 
first week of the year was good, I ended up
getting super sick but I'm good now. enjoy
the rest of the year!!

much love xx

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