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Thirty First of December, 2020

Amelia arrived at the residence about a quarter past nine in a tinted Range Rover driven by one of the royal drivers, Ronald, who'd been with her ever since her time in University. They had grown as close as a staff and a royal could've possibly gotten and created a trusting bond between them that was enough for him to keep her whereabouts hush.

When she got out, Lewis was already waiting for her on the opposite side of the car door. She didn't notice it at first when the door was opened —- she was too dazed to notice it had been him who opened the car door, her mind wandering off.

"Your Highness, pleasure as always."

"Mmm, as it is for me too." He carefully grasped her hand and lead her to the front door

"Hope your drive wasn't too bad."

"Not at all, everything was a good as it could get."

"Well then, welcome to my humble abode. The only place I am able to escape from anything."

As he let her in, Amelia took a good look at the area around her noticing a few things that definitely made it clear that Lewis truly did live here.

She slipped her Uggs off her feet and made her way to the couch following his lead to sit down. The telly was already on, the 2010 version of Sherlock had been playing making her smile as she recalled when she had told him she was obsessed with it.

"Oh, and when did you start watching Sherlock?"

"Not too long ago I must say. Some crazy little muffin recommended it to me a few weeks ago."

"Craz-" She scoffed before continuing "Crazy?!"

"Oh yes, it was quite the encounter."

"Oh do tell Mr Hamilton, crazy you say?"

"Yeah she was, she was quite wild. Hair everywhere and her arms were flapping as she jumped and talked to me, it was super weird."

"You are insane." She pushed him playfully making him laugh

"Is it okay if I hug you before we start eating dinner?" He asked politely. Stunned, Amelia nodded hesitantly before he wrapped his arms around her

A warm embrace envelops them, a silent language of comfort and connection. In that moment, the world fades, leaving only the gentle rhythm of two hearts beating in harmony. The scent of familiarity, the subtle squeeze, and the soft whispers of reassurance create a sanctuary where time momentarily stands still, and everything speaks in the silent language of a hug. This was a feeling Amelia and Lewis knew would last and happen every time them embraced the other.

"This feels like a cwtch." Her voice muffled by his chest

"A what?"

"You'll figure it out sooner or later." He finally stepped back from the embrace and lead her to the dining table where the food was laid out

"So I made two different types of pasta, a heart shaped one, cliche I know, and Alfredo along with tacos." He pulled out the chair for her

"You made all of this?"

"Of course, I wanted to make sure it was perfect."

"Oh Lewis, you old softie."

"Shh, don't expose me. What would you like first?"

"Will the heart shaped pasta be too cringey?"

"Nothing is ever too cringey."

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