Logan genuinely believes I hate him,

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I wait till logan finishes his food and then go up to pay as it's my turn.

I retrieve my dog, i mean my husband from the booth and take the keys, feeling bad if I make him drive over and back.

"Come on logan! Are you ready!" I put on a fake enthusiastic voice and logan gives me a weird look.

"Shut the fuck up." He mumbles with a chuckle.

On the way back home.
The silence was quite deafening then an idea slam dunks into my head

"Mhm?" He pulls out his head phones and looks at me, he's a passenger princess as you could guess.

"Do you want to go to the park instead of going home? We can go to the park then to work or are you..."

"Park! With the water!" Logan exclaims

"Yes logan but are you too tired? You can go to bed and take a nap then we can go tomorrow or something."

"Ok! Park with the water now please!." He begs

"Thats ok logs but I swear to fuck if you jump into the water again I'm sending straight to fuckin purgatory." I warn him sternly but adding a joke not wanting to be afraid to ask or do anything

"OK no water." He nods

"OK, we have 2 hours till you go to work and with this traffic it will take 30 minutes to get to the park and an hour to drive you to your meeting, so we will be there for 30 minutes ok?"

I like to reassure him with a plan or schedule as he hates being late or not knowing what he's doing, and I know he's too afraid to ask.

"30 minutes to park, 30 minutes in park and an hour to meeting got it." He nods

I stretch forward checking to see if his laces are tied pretending to look in the glove box not wanting to embarrass him or have him think he's a burden to me

"What are you looking for?" Logan queries

"Just seeing if I have a clients notes in here, got em." I lie pulling out receipts of God knows what.

"OK." He leans back putting his earphones back in and rocking.

I place my hand on his leg and stroke it with my thumb so he doesn't have to bounce it, turn off the radio so it doesn't interfere with his music and put the sun visor down for him.

Logan genuinely believes I hate him, he's hyper observant so any little move I make I'm either mad or disappointed in him. Look at him a certain way, he's ugly, hesitate for a second, he's annoying or I want to say no.
Say anything negative I'm divorcing him.

That's not his fault though, he could be so much more developed if he had proper parents. I can't say that from experience with my parents but I've learnt as a Psychologist the difference between a nurtured child with autism and an unurtured child with autism.

Logans parents hated him for his autism,  at first they saw him as the smartest kid in the grade and a gifted musician untill he got diagnosed, then he was a freak of nature, a weirdo.

I met Logan when he was 15, he was a sophomore and so was I *cough cough* I was 17, I got held back, suck my dick.

He was being made fun of by some fellow degenerates but I thought he was hot, he's tall *cough cough again* taller than me and he has the cutest face, blue eyes, blonde hair that's kept in a tidy short curly mullet, he's thin but has a tiny belly that he hates, and has the sharpest sexiest jawline gawdamn.

At the end of class logan struggled a bit putting his stuff away so I helped him, and because it was me the guys backed off.

He followed me around like a puppy after I helped him with a few more tasks
Tying his shoes, carring his bag (he's weak as balls) getting pricks to back off.

It's not like I had a soft spot for him being autistic, hell I have bullied a dude with downs before I just thought logan was hot.


"No I can't come over sorry." Logan responds

Fuck, my balls are gonna burst.

"Why not?"

"I'll get in trouble with mommy and dad."
"So?" I will beat his mom and his dad for his dick

"I'll get in trouble I can't mickey."
"I'll walk you home then." I say patting his side
"OK." He says slightly enthusiastic

After school that day I managed to Leer him away from his house convincing him I will protect him and we banged one out , 9 whole inches ei er ei er ei er
Is what my bed sounded like.

He's an excellent top.

"Was that your first time?" I ask him still out of breath.

"No." He responds

I didnt push further not wanting to,

I knew what the odds were

Logan got dressed and sat back down
"I can't go home today." He said dripping in fear

"That's ok." I wanted to give him a hug but the first time we did anything other than sex was a whole year later

He stayed the night in my bed, he did his homework, then he did mine then he fell asleep hugging my school bag.

I just though he was weird never thought autistic, didn't even know what that was, but I knew I liked logan.

Real time

logan sits up abruptly seeing the fence to the park

"This one had the water!" He exclaims pointing with one hand and pulling put his earphones with the other

"It is, and if you jump into it I will kill you myself." I warn him again in a kids show voice

"Kill me yourself." He repeats with a nod

I park the car and get out and open the door for logan, he's staring out the window not noticing I have gotten out.

"Come on logs." I say getting startled a bit as he jumps out at lightning speed.

"Let's go." I say as I take his hand giving it a light squeeze.

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