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I feel like a slave...all I've been doing the last three hours is help logan sweep the floorboards...goddammit I told him we have to pull them up but he needs to sweep then over and over again.
We lived here for a few months, we have barely been in the guest house as it's fuckin empty and logan seems to have fuckin separation anxiety with the damn floorboards.

"Logan can you go check on Sammy?" I say hopefully.  hoping he's leaves.
"OK!" He shouts, he likes to be a good dad when it suits him.

As soon as this fucker leaves I grab the crow bar and smash it into the floor boards, now I have a hole to dig from, haha hole to dig from.

I grab these motherfucking boards and tear them up by hand, they weren't too bad but I am filled with so much rage and hatred for them, they came up like dandelions.

I had enough up that we were way past point of return.

Logan comes running in, hands on his head as he begins to sob.
"My floor!" He sobs
"I know honey...I know." I say rubbing his back and chuckling.

"Past return?" I ask hopefully
"Yeh...yeh-ahhh...." he sobs.
That's all I needed, I take the crow bar and tear up the rest, they are too icky for Logan apparently.

Once I had throw them all out I grab the adhesive and pass it to logan.
"OK logan, grab one of them tiles."
He passes a tile and I run my finger around it in a zigzag way all around it.

"Logan these aren't foam on the bottom ok? So you have to put the adhesive all along it from left to right." I say holding the tile for him to put the adhesive on.

Boy did he struggle, he has zero fine motor skills and I nearly lost my mind.
"Fuck sake logan put the shit on." My patience wearing thin.

"I trying!" He cries, still upset about the floorboards and I'm definitely overwhelming him.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry you're doing a great job."  I lie

"Yeah I know! I'm the best at it." He says in an upset whine.

After what feels like 10 fuckin years we had everything done, the floors the equipment and logan wants a professional painter to do a mural on the wall for some weird reason.

"I go work out now." Logan says with determination, stepping onto the treadmill.
"Excuse me." I chuckle grabbing his waist and pulling him down.
"But-" He reaches for the treadmill again.

"No loges, it's 7pm, remember when I said you're only working out if I'm in control of it, let's watch a movie, come on." I say gripping his hand and pulling him back to the Main house.

"TV! And I pick the movie." He demands following me.

"Of course, why not! Fuckin dickhead." I pull him, unable to wipe the smile off my face, I love how I've turned him into a brat somewhat.

In the living room I sat down, letting logan sprawl on me, he usually likes to keep his head on my knee so I can bounce it.
"Have to turn on wolf of Wallstreet." He says holding onto my knee as I bounce it, as if it's a fuckin roller coaster.

"Again? Logan Jesus christ, how many times can a man watch the wolf of Wallstreet before he collapses." I chuckle turning on his movie.

We were half way through the movie, I was brushing logans hair with my hands as I let him roll his head around my knee.

"This movie is three hours long and you've watched it a billion times, surely if there was a pie chart of you're life this would have its own category." I say pulling him so his head was against my stomach and on my thigh.

"like it..." he says sleepily
"Yeah?" I say getting him off me and grabbing two beers when Sammy comes down stairs.

"Hey buddy whats up?" I ask ruffling his hair.
"I watch tv too?" He asks holding his sketch book and pencil
"Of course honey." Logan says making room for his son.

I sit next to logan and within 2 seconds he's sprawled on me
"Here baby." I say passing him his beer.

"You want one?" I ask Sammy who looks like Ive just asked him if he wants to go Disneyland.

"Yeah!" Sammy says enthusiastically
I look at logan for conformation as I don't want to do this shit without logans permission but he just gives me a confirming shrug.

I grab him a cider from the fridge and open it for him, pouring it into a glass.
"This is Apple juice!" He pouts like I've played a mean trick on him.

"No its like Apple juice babe, that called cider, like an apple flavored beer." Logan says laying his head on my lap.

"Cider..." he says with a nod, holy fuck him and logan are the same.

"Yall want pizza?" I ask taking my phone out
"Loges you're plain, Sammy what you want?"
"Uhm...just nothing." He replies
"What like cheese and sauce?"
"Uhm just uhm...just cheese no sauce."

I don't even know anymore dude.
"OK what size?"
"The biggest."
"One large plain pizza, one large and only large pizza with just cheese." I repeat back to myself then call.

Sammy crossed his arms and stared at me with a scowl after I finished the call.

"What's wrong with you?" I say stroking logans cheek who was currently fast asleep, I paused the movie for him don't fuckin worry.

"Why did you get extra large while the rest of us got large?" He scowls.
"Wh..what?" I say with a confused smile, I've never seen Sammy say a cross word nevermind be a brat.

"Just like mommy said." He crosses his arms harder shaking his head.
"Exuse me?"

"Just using MY dad for money." He stares me down, I look at the beer and see barely a dent in it, so he isn't drunk, not that one could do it but you can't be sure.

"Sammy what the fuck is the matter with you? I'm buying the pizzas and I only get the bigger one because I'd eat cold pizza for breakfast so I can hurry to work tomorrow and what's the big deal? Neither you or your dad can finish a medium pizza nevermind an extra large."

"What's going on?" Logan says sitting up rubbing his eyes.
"Just telling Sammy the pizzas nearly here baby." I lay him back down keeping him close.

The pizzas arrive and I give Sammy his, I'm a bit skeptical of the boy now, nonetheless I treat him the same.

"Here sit up honey." I sit logan up and place his pizza on his lap and put mine on the table.
"Ahhhh....." Logan opens his mouth making me laugh.
"You want me to feed you it? You little shit." I say putting a slice to his mouth.

After about 2 hours the movie finally finishes and I put the remainder of our pizzas into the fridge, all that complaining for Sammy to not even eat 4 slices.

"Sammy, buddy." I catch up to him and put a hand on his shoulder
"Are you ok? Did I piss you off or something?"

I get nothing but wide eyes that look scared shitless, the change in attitude threw me off so I hold his wirst and bring him to his room.

"Now, do you want me to bring up water, juice or something?" I ask trying to get him to talk.

He saunters up to me and puts a piece of paper in my hands then pushes me out of his room.

It was a drawing of me and logan cuddled up on the couch.

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