𝐢. (𝐨𝐧𝐞) imagine

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  Heeseung leaned against his black and red colored motorcycle, typical. You were currently upset with him, however. Leaving his messages on read and calls unanswered. This led to him showing up to your house.

  He leaned against his motorcycle, his silver bangs covering his eyes but it was obvious he was staring at your front door. It was pretty early morning so you were obviously asleep, not expecting him to be at your front door.

  Heeseung places his hand behind his neck, rubbing it. "I'm sorry.." He mumbles, practicing his apology to make sure he doesn't mess up. "Please forgive me." His voice cracks a bit, unsure of how to apologize correctly since he wasn't used to it.

  This was the first time he was apologizing to someone and actually meant it, he just had a soft spot for you. "Babe let me in and let's just talk.." He clears his throat, saying it in a softer voice.

  He groans, throwing his head back and rubbing his eyes before messing with his hair like he was gonna pull it out. He kept his head like that a bit, thinking to himself. Currently unaware that it looked like his Adam's apple was gonna tear through the skin of his neck.

  "Fuck it." He mutters, pulling his head back to its normal position and running up your front porch. His long index finger rings the doorbell, twice. To the loud rings echoing through your house, you got up.

  Rubbing your eyes as you put on your warm slippers before arriving at the front door, slowly opening it. "Who is i—" You gulp, staring up at Heeseung. One of his big hands resting against the door frame while the other was on his side.

  He stares down at you, before barging in and wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. "I'm sorry!" Heeseung lets out, sounding desperate and genuine. "I-I'm sorry.. listen to me, please." He begs, keeping you engulfed in his arms.

  "Heeseung what are you doing here?" You ask, your voice muffled against his warm chest. His neck was against your shoulder, you can feel his Adam's apple bobbing against your neck as he gulps.

  "I'm here for you, come with me." Heeseung takes your hand in his, pulling you out the door. But you quickly stop him, "Heeseung, I'm in my pajamas.." You say, to which Heeseung immediately looking down at your body.

  He chuckles softly, looking down at the pink and red plaid pants you wore. With a red t-shirt which was over-sized. "You wear that to sleep?" He asks with a teasing smirk. "It's cute, come here."

  Heeseung quickly wraps his arm around your waist before you could go back inside, and throws you over his shoulder. "C'mon." He said nonchalantly, going down the stairs of your porch and taking out the keys to his motorcycle.

  "Why're you carrying me? Put me down!" You whine, hitting his back lightly but Heeseung ignored it. Instead of thinking it as annoying, he saw you as cute. Sitting you on the back of his motorcycle before sitting in front of you.

  He faced you, not starting his motorcycle. He gently cups your face, leaning down a bit to be face level with you. "Love, I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?" His voice deep and soft, although he had a little smirk.

  Before you could say anything, he wrapped his arm around you and pressed his lips against yours in a soft kiss. Keeping his lips there for a bit before pulling away with a bigger smirk,

"It's a yes."

𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 | 엔하이픈Where stories live. Discover now