𝐢𝐢. (𝐭𝐰𝐨) jay

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  You sat at your desk, looking down at your time for most of the time. Today was the first day you had a night-shift, and it wasn't that bad. Most of the employees that worked at the morgue had quit their job the next day after working the night, but you didn't understand why.

  "How's the job?" Your best friend inquires, luckily laying in bed since she was unemployed. "It's not that bad, I just have to watch the cameras and check for any new bodies to store." You reply, messing around with your nails in boredom. 

  "That's not that bad, did you see anything spooky yet?~" She asks in a playful voice to which you roll your eyes and hang up. It was pretty normal for you to hang up on her at any random time, so she didn't think much of it.

  You look up at the monitors, showing what the camera picks up. You got a little bored so you put on the headphones, listening to the audio footage that the camera records. "...drop, drop." There was a faint sound of liquid droplets, which could mean a leak from one of the blood drainers.

  Taking off the headphones, you place them down on the table and get up. Going over to the body storage rooms and flicking on the lights. You look around, scratching your scalp a little before going over to the sink area.

  "Ah, fuck." You mutter, watching how one of the body locker doors were slightly open and dripping with a black-ish colored liquid. You pull open the door all the way, carefully pulling out the roller for the corpse before pulling the body out of the capsule.

  You stare down at the dead man's face, glancing at the front of the door and checking to see what his name is. "Okay, Park Jay.. Let's clean you up." You say, as if talking to the body for real.
As you look into the body capsule which was now empty you saw a little black figure.

  Quickly jumping back before looking closer, nothing there. It looked like a pair of eyes and a black fog, but you suppose that you were hallucinating. You turn back to the corpse of Park Jay, rolling him away.

   You open the file holder, browsing through the files. "Lee.. Kim? Park? Park!" You saw the surname of Park, quickly pulling out the folder and opening it. "Park Sunghoon?" You mumble, before closing the folder and putting it back to its place before picking up the other one labeled as park.

  "Park Jay, here we are." Talking to yourself, you look at the file and quickly scan through it before putting it back. In the corner of your eye, you see the corpse's head slowly turn to face you. A creepy squelching sound coming from the neck.

  You turn your head and stare at it, blinking a few times. Suddenly, it sat up. It sat up. It fucking sat up. You scream in your head, freezing in place as the corpse's head turns again and faces you. This time, it's neck let out a loud squelching sound and then a crack once it stopped.

  You stayed frozen, staring at the body of Park Jay. "What the-" As you spoke, the lights went out. Leaving you in a pitch black room with no idea where to go. Behind you, you hear a plop. As if the body fell back to it's original position.

  The lights slowly flicker back on, allowing you to see around the room again. You look down, and then around. Only to see the body was gone. No way it just got up and left, right? "Jay fu-" As you step forward, you hear something shift behind you.

  It sounded like the rustling of the paper gown the corpses had to wear. You shift your gaze down towards your feet, a puddle of blood surrounding you. "Huh?" You slowly turn around, only to see his body standing before you. The dim light from above reveals his dead pale skin and lifeless eyes. His lips were so chapped and colorless. 

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