𝐢𝐢𝐢. (𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞) one-shot

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-ˏˋ 🍸 ˊˎ-

  "What the fu-" Heeseung stumbles backwards as you crash into him, your cheeks were bright pink and your eyes were glazed over. "Who are you?" He mumbles, holding your shoulders to keep you from falling onto the hard concrete ground.

  You look up at him, tilting your head before groaning and letting out a little whine. "Don't touch me you pervert~" Your voice slurred and you seemed like you were about to fall over. "H-Huh?!" Heeseung's eyebrows raised.

  He quickly pulls his hands off of you, "W-What?" He mumbles, taking a glance at your eyes. "Are you drunk?" He asks, tilting his head and bending down a bit to inspect your face. Cheeks red, eyes glossy and unfocused.

  You shake your head, rubbing your eyes. "I'm not drunk~" You say in a whiny voice, to which Heeseung looks surprised and pulled his head away from you. "Well.. you look drunk." He says, raising an eyebrow.

  He puts his hands on your shoulders for a second, before smelling his hands. "You smell like alcohol too." He adds on, rubbing his hands to get the smell off. "You're clearly drunk." He mumbles, narrowing his eyes at you.

  "What's your name?" He asks, waiting for you to answer so he can ask you some questions about your current state. "Y/n.." You reply, stumbling forward a bit and back against his chest. Heeseung's eyes widen in surprise as you stumble forward onto his chest.

  "Y-Y/n, huh..? I'm Heeseung. What the hell are you doing here?" He asks, wrapping his arms around you to support you and keep you from falling. You ignore what he said, not really able to understand him in your drunk state.

  "I'm cold~" You whine. Your whining made him smirk, chuckling softly as he lifts your chin to look at your face. "Look at you. What made you drink all that? Of course you're cold." He says, now rolling his eyes.

  "Of course you're cold." He repeats in an annoyed whisper. "You're drunk AND it's cold. I'm surprised you aren't sick." As if speaking those words made you feel worse, a few seconds later, you felt a tingle in your throat.

                 You were gonna throw up and soon.

   You gag a little, leaning into his arm. You gag some more, before throwing up on his arm. Heeseung's eyes widened, his mouth wide open as he was in shock and confused by what happened. Not to mention how disgusted he was as well.

  "Why the hell did you throw up on me?!" He yelled out, glaring at you while trying not to gag from your throw up. The smell was bad, and you just stood there, wiping off your mouth while looking at him with half lidded eyes before letting out a little giggle.

  Heeseung was digusted and pissed off, that he had to clean off the throw on him now. "Ugh, this stinks.." He grumbled, wiping the throw up off him as his eyes were fixated on you. Watching for another gag sound just in case.

  "I wanna--" You pout, getting cut off since he put his hand over your mouth to silence you. "Don't touch me~" You whine, your voice muffled behind his big hand. He scoffs at you, and rolls his eyes at your whining.

  "Why are you so damn whiny?" He asks, a smirk gracing his lips as his eyes wander around the area, looking to see if anyone's around. "Is there anybody you can call for a ride?" He asks, keeping his hand over your mouth in case you decide to throw up again.

  You didn't reply, to which Heeseung sighed. "Y/n." He says, snapping his fingers in front of you. He rolls his eyes, pulling his hand away from your mouth and double-checking to see if you'll throw up again before carefully picking you up over his shoulders,

"I guess I'm taking you home tonight.."

-ˏˋ 🍸 ˊˎ-

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𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 | 엔하이픈Where stories live. Discover now