𝐢. (𝐨𝐧𝐞) heeseung

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  You lay in bed, your legs tangled with your blanket and sheet while your hair was not so messy. Suddenly, your record player began to play music. "Tiptoe.. through the window, by the window. That is where I'll be.."

 Slowly waking you up, the loud music boomed through your room. You sit up from your bed, rubbing your eyes and wiping your drool off the side of your cheek. "I thought I shut it off.." You mumble to yourself, slowly getting up.

  The wooden floorboards creak under the weight of your foot as you take slow steps towards your record player. "Come, tiptoe through the tulips.. with me.." The music was awfully creepy, sending shivers down your spine even though it was you who bought the record.

  You reach out, pressing your finger tip against the player and stop it. Carefully taking out the record and putting it aside. You let out a soft sigh, before heading outside of your room and to the kitchen.

  "By the willow tree.." A quick whisper goes through your ear, the voice was deep and husky. You whip your head around, staring into the dark hallway behind you. You stare into the darkness, your eyes playing with you as you see the outline of a large smile in the corner by your umbrellas.

  It seemed like a tall man, and in the blink of an eye he disappeared. You swallow your saliva, taking a breath before entering the kitchen cautiously. "Just a glass of water, nothing's there." You mumble to yourself, picking up a clean glass before going to the fridge and getting some water to drink.

  Slowly, you began to sip on your water. Trying to calm yourself down after the sudden whispers. You place your cup down in the dishwasher before running to your room, as if someone was behind you.

  You quickly jump in bed, wrapping the blanket around you and squeezing your eyes shut. "Nothing's there.." You whisper to yourself, slowly growing less tense. Again, you hear the same voice. Whispering in your other ear.

"You're not alone."

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𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 | 엔하이픈Where stories live. Discover now