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The office was all about visitors now. Staff buttering Ved and Me. Investors coming to make good terms with Ved. Ved's cabin was transparent. It had curtains but they were never closed. I could see Ved all the time from my cabin which was diagonal to him. He could see me too...but I am sure, He never sees me. He was working under pressure...yet looked hot in that suit!

I am exhausted though. Handling Ved's work...my Work and Ved--The Husband! After my last night discussion with Ved, The urges to kiss the fuck out of him have died...literally died.!
My overthinking has affected my health....I am sick! But I can't tell that Ved, He'll yell!
He called me to his cabin.
I open the door.

"Yes sir?"

"Who is Mr Verma yarr!?"

"25% share holder of our...Your company..why?"

"25?! He just came here to say heyy! Talked as if we knew each other."

"Well you do....You met him on our wedding...both got drunk and danced..."

"Oh...I don't faces when I am drunk, anyways, Please pass me the tiffen bag."

I was keeping the tiffen bag on the table when he eagerly wanted to pull it...Our fingers brushed and he pulled his hand back immediately! Fucker.
Without any talk...I left his cabin and we went home after 7.
We weren't talking to each other and slept without fighting for a change today.

Next morning

As I open my eyes, I saw Ved looking at me from above.


I got scared.

"You are hot."

"The fuck?!"

"I mean you have temperature. I woke you up to tell you to sleep."

"Great logic Mr.Sharma"

"I have told Maa to give you medicines, I'll be at office only...cant skip days right now. And here, Take the morning dose right now."

For instance, I felt that...we were a normal couple. I took the medicine and slept... unbothered. I want to be unbothered...I don't want to bother about What will my husband will do when I am sick and what he hasn't done yet as per couple norms...

Suddenly, I heard some faint voices...familiar voices....Mostly sounded like Ved.
I felt fingers on my cheek...like someone was patting my cheek.

"Open your eyes. Come on...Keep your eyes open!"

I followed the voice...I tried soo hard to open my eyes...but it felt like I couldn't even move.

"VIVIDHA, Open your eyess please!"

It was Ved's voice. He called my name....Since our fight, He didn't take my name...it was taking my name would make him feel something....for me.
I forced all the power of my body to open my eyes! Because It was Ved who was asking me!

I opened my eyes. I saw Ved...in complete despair. His eyes didn't have tears but they were desperate. My head was on his lap.

"Oh thank god you opened your eyes! Please keep it open! We'll be in the hospital in 30 secs...all is fine!"

It wasn't fine. My body was on fire. I couldn't move a single body part. I could only keep my eyes because something inside me was willing to fight and belive everything Ved said.

Someone opened the door. Ved got out and pulled me out. He picked up like I was the lightest thing in the world. Without any hesitation, not like in the hotel.
I was on the stretcher. 3 others figures around Ved...they must me Mumma, Pappa and Veer...I don't know...I don't care.
Ved was holding my hand tight. Nurses were telling him to leave. He did leave slowly....He stopped running with the stretcher. But he looked like a part his was taken away from him.


I heard silent prayer from his mouth...and my eyes closed on the view of Ved looking helplessly at me.

Comments would be motivating.

Sorry for late updates

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