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I never understood when I fell asleep. I woke up to hear some chatting voice down in the dining room. I checked time....9.30am! I slept at 6.30 pm yesterday! I freshened up and got down to see Mumma, Pappa, Veer and Ved having breakfast.
When I say Mumma Pappa--I mean Ved's parents.
Ved spotted me and got up from his chair.

"Good Morning"

Ved said as he held my hand to support me walk down the stairs. Everyone looked at me and said good Morning

"So, you all were having a family breakfast?"


Ved said making me sit on the chair and making a plate for me for fruits. I was looking at the plate, checking what all fruits I hated and which few I could eat.


He felt his hands on my chair's arm-rest. My eyes shot up to him at his words.


Maa said and we all looked at her. Everyone was smiling, talking, eating throughout the breakfast. I was being pampered.
We were in our room and he was in washroom. Ved's phone was near me when it vibrating.

I said 'Reshma Psychologist'. Psychologist?
I picked up.


"Hello Ved. You missed you session today...is everything all right? Ur voice sounds rather feminine today.."


"Umm..Hello I am Vividha. Ved's wife"

"Oh. Hey Vividha. Heard a lot about you."

"About me? He...he talks about me."

"Aa...Mrs Vividha, I shouldn't have said that. We are not allowed to give any session information to anyone else"

Ved came out and saw me talking his phone. He found it old coz I never did that.

"How long has he been taking these session? I am sure u can tell me that"

"About 2 months."

Ved within a second took away his phone.

"Hello. Good Morning Reshma. I was busy today. Vividha is unwell so...Can I please call u later....yeah cool"

He cut the call.


"Why did you receive the call? Its my phone..."

He tried to act irritated.

"Answer my question..Whats wrong? Are you alright?"

"Maa said we have to attend a wedding tonight. We wont stay for more than 30 mins since you are unwell. Jus chose your outfit"

"Why are you hiding it from me Ved? I am your wife for god sake!"

"I will tell you when I don't need therapist anymore.."

He left the room. The moment I think Ved and I could atleast tell each other everything or important things...this happens.

I wanna know why is he going to therapy. If he is having some issues, he must feel comfortable sharing them with me. Is this issue the reason he is pushing me away? I can't even make out from his behaviour if its a serious issue or not.

I started getting ready for the wedding in evening. Its December yet the sky has turned grey.

I quickly wore a simple ghahra cholli, put on some make up and went down to talk to Veer
Why do u think Ved is taking therapy?


Hello Readers!

I will not be updating for atleast 1 or 2 weeks. Sorry! But I'll try to make it up to you!

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