# 32

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He called me in his office in lunch time

"Yes sir?"

I asked. He made a disappointed face.

"I know I was a dick to you for this 'sir' thing. I am not anymore. I am very good husband and boss so now please call me Ved."

He admited. He had weird kind of face while saying this to preserve some of his ego. I chuckled

"Okay Ved. Why did you call me?"

"Have lunch with me. Everyday."

"You mean to say lets have lunch together everyday"

I teased.

"Okkkk! Enough of teasing me. I was a dick. I am not now. I am trying to make up for it."

We sat down and had lunch.

Next 3 days went in click of finger. We had soo much work work work work. We got home late that night. I was about to go in the washroom, he stopped me.

"Ek min suno toh."

I turned to him.


"Is there anything I have done...to upset you?"

"No. Why?"

"You..you haven't kissed me in 3 days."

His voice so low I could barely hear his words. Tenses face.

"I am sorry. I didn't realize, I was soo caught up in work!"

I said walking towards him and cupping his face. His face softened on learning he didn't do anything wrong.

"U are still not kissing me....."

He said in his baby voice and I broke into laughter as his voice.


I couldn't control my laughter. His hands went from his pocket to gripping my waist and he slammed his lips on mine. Slowly but passionately taking them all.


He said resting his forehead on mine. He smiled moving his fingers out my mangalsutra.

"God! When did you fall this much in love with me Ved?"

I said slamming my lips on his. Giving him deep, short kisses. His hands went from my neck. I could him hard against me.

"I want you Ved....what do you want?"

I said slightly breaking the kiss. Making my intentions clear my about kiss.
A smirk appeared on his face. Kind of one I had never seen before. He brought his face to my ears and wispered.

"Hai jo irade bata du tumko..sharma hi jaogi tum!"

Chesssyyyyyy. I chukled

"U have such filmy ass!"

"I don't know. Don't you want to find out?"

He crashed his lips on mine as he tore open my formal one. My fingers worked on my his shirt as he pushed my shirt down on the floor and unzipped his pants and got rid of them. He broke the kiss and just kept looking at me. His eyes gazing over my neck, my chest, my bra covering my boobs but yet showing sneaks. His chest is tight. He doesn't have abs but is fit. He drops to his knees and slowly pulls down my skit and I standing just in my panty and bra. He is calm. No longer desperate for my lips. I love it and hate it at the same time. He looks up at me as he kisses my waist and a soft gasp leaves my mouth. He put his fingers in the side of my underwear.

"May I?"

He asked permission before pulling it down. He knew I would say yes but he still asked.


He didn't break the eye contact while he pulled my panty down. He kissed my pussy, softly, tenderness filled in his eyes as he looked up at me.

"I have never gone down on anyone....do you want me to?"

Hesitation in his eyes. He wished me to say no. In this moment I realized that we talk about woman's comfort in bed..we talk less about men's comfort in bed...Pushing the intellectual thoughts aside, I softly smiled at him.


He slowly got up from his kness and his went my bra's hook. As sound of the clasp hit, my bra fell of my chest. He gazed at every inch of my boobs before kissing between them. He very slowly held my wrist and then harshly threw me on the bed. Before I could understand his action, He was already hovering over me, he wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled me up to him. He dug his face into my boobs, biting, sucking, nibbling them harder with my each moan.
I moved over his dick making it hard. He went from kissing me gentlely to pushing me on the bed. His dick jutted out. Hard and huge.

"That's huge."

A smirk appeared on his face.


He said with a twisted pride on his face.

"The mere thought of it inside me twists my inside."

"I'll be gentle"

My eyes went from dick to him at his words. His eyes already focused on me. It had lust and respect at the same time. Two things men don't know can go with each other.
He slowly slided his tip inside me and I covered my mouth as is hurt! He pulled out and got in again...this time...full of him and suddenly my palm couldn't control my pain anymore and I almost yelled.

"Ved! Noo I can't!"

He pulled me up to him again, cupped my face.

"You can. And its too bad you are stuck with this dick for life!"

He started thrusting slowly. Gentlely as I whimpered. He was careful with each movement. His eyes never left mine. My pussy adjusted to his dick and the pain became pleasure.

"Oh Ved."

My back ached as his thrusts became fast. His lips ate mine like they belonged to him. His hands gripped my hips harshly as he exploded inside me with a loud groan. The first sexual sound he made. He was still inside me, I pushed him on the bed and moved against his dick. I rided him. Moved up and down. He cupped my boobs and squeezed them, sucked them.

"It hurts soo bad but I can't get enough of you"

I admitted as he harshy bite my neck. His grip on my hips tighten and his nails dug in my waist as mine dug in his chest. My boobs bounced with each thrust. Tears didn't stop. The room echoed with my cry when I came over his dick. Fluids dropping down our thighs as I crashed beside him. Sweat runing down our bodies.

He took a tissue and cleaned us up before switching on the AC and pulling blanket over us. He turned to me. His palm supporting his head. He kissed me like it was aftercare and smiled against my lips.

"I won't be gentle next time."

The thought of his dick and his roughness sent chill to my neck.

"You were quite the gentleman today.."

"I am a gentleman. But you'll see when and where I am not a gentleman.."

He tucked my hair strands behind my ear and wrapped his hands around me.

"I love you Vividha...I can't imagine my life without you"

A different kind of smile on his face. Smile of satisfaction. His grip around me tighten with his words.

"Itna tightly kyun pakda hai..Main kahi bhaagke nahi jaa rahi"

I joked.

"Main kabhi jaane bhi nahi dunga"

A slight tone of possessiveness....

"I love you too Ved"

And that was best sleep I have ever had.

Yoo! Wrote soft sex for first time....! I know its not up to the mark!
Pls comment!

Very sorry for such late update!

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