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The class had started...but north just couldn't calm down.Its the first time someone other than his parents yelled at him.he really wanna teach a lesson to night.

Ai'North what's wrong with you!? One of his friends asked him

Hm...nothing..it's just he is getting on my nerves..

Huh!? Who...


Night....huh!?who is he...

He then told everything that happened...

Ohoo...so you don't like him right...another friend asked him...

Hmm...I hate him north told him

Then let's teach him a lesson my friend....

What do you mean!?

So he is in our junior section right....

Hmm...North nodded at him

Then let's go there...

At junior class room:-

Hey....everyone...p'north is here....one of the class boy shouted which made everyone to be afraid....

Huh!?why is he coming here!? Other one said in a frightening tone...

Hello...my dear juniors...North said in a deep cold tone...

Sawadee krub phi.... everyone said in a frightening tone...

Well...it's just phi got a help from all of you...so you all must do it no matter what...otherwise get ready to be punished by us...North told them

Krub phi....

Very good then....there will be a new student in your class and none of you must speak to him...if I ever knew that you are speaking to him...then get prepared yourself for the punishment...

Krub phi...all of them said...

Now..I'll see how you are gonna handle this nong...night..North thought to himself and smirked..

Night's pov:-

I got to classroom and teacher introduced me to all the students...and I've given my self introduction...but none of them spoke anything...it's really awkward...I went and sat beside a boy in the front row... when teacher went back...I thought of talking to him but he didn't spoke to me instead he went back to sit at other place...I felt like crying...what school is this...no one is speaking to me...it's when that bastard came...

Aw.. night you are sitting alone!?he asked me..

And everyone seems to be afraid of him....so I guess he is the reason no one is speaking to me...

Well...so it's your plan right!? I asked him

Ohoo...you are pretty intelligent...he said while smirking

I know he is trying to get on me...what a brat he is...if mom is here she would definitely beat him for doing this to me...idiot...even though I wanted to yell at him...I didn't instead just sat alone...I know he is confused about why I didn't said anything...but yeah...I won't say anything because it's just a waste of time...

Aren't you going to say something he asked me...but that's when teacher came to class so he went back....

After school completed...I was on my way back to car...when I opened the car door there he is...I didn't said anything but just went and sat beside driver...even though driver asked me to sit beside north ,I told  him that I would rather walk with a donkey outside than sitting beside him...as soon as I said it ,north yelled at me..



Don't you dare....

What if I!? Huh!?

Then get ready to bare with me...isn't it enough with what happened today...North smirked..

Since you are the one who started it...come on then...Iam not some heroines in series to cope up with your nonsense...let me tell you that I am not that easy person too...night smirked back...

North just grinned his teeth....

You are arrived sir...driver told them...

North got down and went inside angrily...

Tq uncle -night told him...and driver smiled at him

At dinner:-

Night came to dining table...found no one at there...so he asked the maid then she told him that mae'ning and his husband always comes late to home so north will eat alone...even though she make allot of food he refuses to eat as he misses his parents and wanted to eat with them.

After listening her night felt bad for north as he remembered how his mother used to feed him everytime...how she always made sure that I won't eat alone...

So he went to call north to eat with him..

Knock knock....

Who is that!? north shouted from inside

But night didn't answer him and kept on knocking the door so north got irritated and opened the door..

What do you want now huh!?

Hm...well nothing much.I just came here to say that iam going to eat..

Why the hell are you telling me then

Well...I'll be the first one to eat dinner and you will get to eat the left over food left by me...so I am here to inform you...night said sarcastically


Ok bye...-night

Oy!? Wait...I'll eat first then you eat..north told night


It's because your are not my family why would I allow you to eat before me? North smirked and went to dining hall...night just smiled at him for falling for his trick..

Oy...why are you eating with me north asked night when he sat at the dining table

Is that even a question...iam eating because I am hungry..don't tell me that you can't eat with others...wow what a coward..

You are the one who is coward not me...you shortie..

Even though I am short I can eat all these...can you do that..

Ofcourse...just wait and see...

north ate fullest of his dinner and shown his tongue by mocking night...he went back to his room

Night just smiled at him..

Tq so much night...it's been a long time I've seen him eating like this
..tq for that...maid told night

Aw...it's ok aunty...

Hmm...even though he seems like a bad guy don't think badly about him...he just lack of affection...she told night

Then night nodded at her...

𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓪 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now