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phi north started walking away from the bed..but before going out he turned towards me and said "iam sorry"...
its just a single word and its the word i use too often but why did this has this much impact on me...i always thought if he would ever say sorry to me...but when he did why iam feeling guilty..why iam feeling bad..
i just couldnt sleep whole mind is occupied by his sad face...and the way he said iam sorry..
the next day morning,i woke up early you can say i didnt sleep at all....i went out to hav emy i was walking towards dining table phi'north is coming down i looked at him but he didnt even glance at me..
and he started walking towards i called him..
he stopped walking but didnt turn towards me...
phi..have your breakfast..
i dont want he said and walked i lost my apitate too..

north's pov:-

i dont know why but i didnt like what he is thinking about me..i dont want him to think of me in that way..instead i want him think of me in a good way..
but i cant help it can i?after all i started it...but why the fuck its me sad...

i reached school but he still didnt come...and jane greeted me
hi north!!

hi...i said in a low tone

oho..whats with low tone..did something happened...

kind of..

by the way...did night come with you?she asked me

no..he comes by walk...why!?i asked her because its really surprising that she asked about night.

well i wanna know about his cut...she said

you know about it??

well..didnt he tell you??

what do you mean??

she then told me everything about stalker and what happened he lied about it i thought to myself

She then also said that he treated her with barbeque..

Hey...north I've never had that delicious one...she said...he said he wanna have dinner with me but had barbeque with her...

so what happened to you??she asked me


well you said something happened??

not really...its just when i want to be nice to someone, why do they think that iam planning something!!?i asked her

because you are north!!and you always been like that till now..especially after what happened with dew..and frankly to speak i do think the same...
even yesterday i told the samething to night when i yelled at him..

what??what did you tell him??

ohoo...calm down..its just while i was yelling at him i told him you might be planning something..

huh??why did you say that??i shouted at her.. want to be nice to night huh??she asked me

what??no...i denied her

really..she started teasing me..and suddenly she called nong night??
when i looked in that direction night was there but still i dont wanna talk to him so i went from there..and i avoided him the whole day..

night's pov:-

  phi is avoiding me the whole day now i got back to home he didnt ate anything and stayed in his room...i really wanna talk to him but i couldnt because he is not coming out from his room..
its already night and he didnt ate nor do i...and finally i mustered up the courage to talk to him...

i went to his room and knocked on the door..

and when he opened the door...he just looked at me

phi..can we talk..i asked him.

about what??he asked me
about everything..i told him..

then come into my room he said...and i went inside...its my first time coming into this room..its really good...ive never thought someone like him would keep it this nicely..
sit here..he asked me to sit on his bed...and i did so..

what is it??

phi...iam sorry..i didnt meant to think in that way...i told him

why did you lie then??he asked me


about stalker..

ohoo..i didnt want mae to get worried..

but iam worried about you...he said almost shouted


nothing just leave it...he said and got up..he then bought cream and sat beside me..he then held my hand and started applying the cream..

you didnt applied it morning did you??he asked me

no..i said to him

stop being stubborn and call me if something like this happens again..he said to me while looking directly into my eyes..

krup...i said..and then he smiled at me..really he is so handsome...i thought to myself..

and here give me your number...he said took my number..and after that i was about to go back but he held my hand

where are you going??he asked me

well..iam going back to my room i said to him..

sleep here...he said to me

but phi..

please...he said

its the first time iam seeing him like this..he is like a child asking his mother to buy candy..and how can i say no to him

then i slept beside him and he wrapped his hands around me..

north's pov:-

he is really cute when he apologizes so how can i stay mad at him...and now he is sleeping beside me but turned his back towards me..i wanna hug him now..
iam getting crazy when iam with him...what exactly did he to me..then i wrapped my hands around his waist...and pretended to be sleep when he called me..i thought he would  remove them but he didnt instead he held my hands and patted them slowly..
so i pulled him closer to him and hugged him tightly and slept...i wish i can hug him like this forever..

Night's pov:-

While I was walking through the hallway...mam called me for a help so I went to her then she informed to give some papers to music club...

I am really excited to see music club...I haven't got the chance to join in any club as I joined late and probably all clubs are filled...

When I got was empty...I couldn't see anyone I thought of waiting for them...but then I've seen a guitar so I started playing it while humming a song...and soon as I stopped...I heard's phi Jane..

Phi'jane...I said surprisingly are really good at it..she said..which made me to blush

Phi are you member of music club too...



Why!??? do you wanna join in the club too? she asked me..

Really phi can I do it...

Hm...yesterday someone dropped from club so we are looking for a vocalist would you like to come...she asked me

Really phi...tq so much....I shouted excitedly....

later when I met north on my way back to class I just couldn't control my excitement so I hugged him...

"Phi...I got into music club" I said....

Only after sometime I realised what I's too embarrassing everyone are looking at us...and even phi north seemed to froze in his I just ran from there...

Right after night ran away...north couldn't help but smile at him...

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