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The next day at school:-

    North was passing by night's classroom...and he had seen that night is sleeping at his seat while keeping his he went inside his class...which made all the juniors to get startled...

North sat beside night and tapped on his bench...which made night to be awaken...

What again bro!?Night said with a great sigh

Who is your bro..!? Iam not!?

Ohoo God...what do you want now...!?

It's nothing...iam here to inform you that today evening you go home by walk...


And also dont even try to tell my mom about that...did you get it

You are really crazy right...fine I'll come home by just go away..

What are you afraid of huh!? Everytime I come near tell me to go away...are you afraid of me.. that much huh!?

It's not that iam's just...look at my uncomfortable they are because you are know that too they are afraid of I don't want them to feel uncomfortable because of you...let them be themselves...

But none of them speak to you...why do you even care!?

Aren't you the one who did's not their wish...they did it because they are afraid of please get out now...

North immediately left the classroom...and as he was going back to his classroom he seen dew on his way....

North laughed while looking at dew's face...

Oww...seems like you really messed up with wrong person north said sarcastically

You!? Dew pointed his finger at north

What now!? You want me to beat you too...isn't it enough to get beaten up by a little junior...North laughed at him...and dew just left from there hurriedly with anger...

North went to his friends...

Hey north are you coming to jane's birthday party tonight..

Ofcourse he can he miss his crush birthday..prom said in a teasing tone

What crush!?Jane interuppted them's's just I had a crush on someone prom tried to reason it out

Huh!? On whom...'''s nong night...prom said hesitatingly

What!?prom are you out of your mind...!?Jane asked

What do you mean Jane!?prom asked confusedly

You are from the rich family how can you degrade yourself by having a crush on that guy!? is all about's doesn't have any relation with status or something else... are such a fool...

Aw...ok ok let's stop it right here Ford stopped them...

North just sat there silently

Ok guys...please join the party tonight....and you prom don't you dare to bring that guy there...Jane invited them...and warned prom

Prom just cursed her inside...

After Jane went from there:-

Hey...prom are you you really have a crush on night...Ford asked

Noo Ford..I just said it like that...but I do adore him..

Ohoo...I thought it was real for a moment..

Hmm..hey north...then aren't you going with night evening

No..I asked him to go home by walk....since I've to go home early and come to party..

Ohoo...that's ok then...

Evening while night going back to home:-

It feels good walking to home than going back in that suffocated car with that rude's feels fresh...I would rather ask mae...that I would come home by walk from tomorrow....I thought to myself...

While I was going...I've seen someone so seems like I've seen her somewhere then I remembered that she is from the same class as me...and looks like she fallen from her I immediately went to her and gave my hand to her so that she would stand... but she hesitated to take my I just pulled her up...and then I made her to sit on a bench...and bandaid her bleeding leg... don't have to do that!?she told me

I know...but I can't leave you like that...I told her looking straight into her eyes...

But..if you do it...I'll get bullied

Don't worry...phi'North is not here and I won't try to be close to you or talk to you in the school...I didnt help you because I wanted to be friend with you....I assured her and started walking away..but suddenly she held my hand..

Iam sorry...she told me

Huh!?why though!?

Because I went to other bench when you sat beside me...and never talked to you...

I smiled at her...oy...don't worry...I know why you did's because of phi'North right!?


So don't didn't do anything..

And Tq for helping me....

It's ok...I smiled at her...

By the name is love na...

Ohoo...nice to meet you love...and iam Night..

I are famous right


Ofcourse...all seniors wants to bully you...she smiled at me.

And I laughed at her too...



Let's be friends...she asked me reaching for a handshake

Aren't you afraid anymore...

No...I wanted to be friends with you from the starting day but I was afraid...but today I don't wanna miss that chance

You wanted to be me friends with me!?

Hm...who wouldn't want are a bright ,cute,handsome and brave please befriend with me cute kid...she teased me

I smiled at her...and held her hand for handshake... finally I've got a friend...iam really happy that I got to be friend with her...

After that we exchanged phone numbers..and she went to her home and I've got back to home as well...when I reached home...there is no one at home except maids...I sighed...even though they have this big home they are never at here...I miss my mom...if she is here we would have ran to every corner of the house...

𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓪 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now