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After night ran away from there north's friends started to tease him...

Ohoo...since when the brothers become close....winny said cute....prom continued..

Will you all shut your mouth...huh!?it's just he is excited that's it....and also so what if he hugs me huh!?brothers can hug each other right!?north told them and started walking while smiling...

Ohooo brothers....his friends said in a mocking tone..which north shrugged off..


Night's pov:-

Today my class finished a little late and I was walking with love....

When we reached front gate..we heard a familiar we looked at the owner of the voice..


Well...I'll walk back to home with you he said


Don't ask me anything... let's just go...he said while I and love looked at each other awkwardly..

It's even more awkward when we were walking because usually I and love speak allot while going back but today none of us spoke instead it was just a silent walk...then we reached the place where love takes the other route so she said bye to me and went on to otherside...

Why are you looking at me like that!? phi'North asked me

Well...why didn't you go back to home in the car...!?

I won't...from now on iam coming with you..


Well...I need to exercise as iam having football match next month..I've to be fit for iam thinking to walk..he said..

Ohoo...I said while smiling..

Why are you smiling huh!?

Well...I thought you are worried about me...I said

Why would I..!?he said and turned to other side...

Iam hungry!?north said suddenly


I wanna eat barbeque...


Treat me to barbeque north said to night while looking at him

Ohoo...ok krup phi.... night said while smiling and then he held north's hand and went to other Street....

While eating...north's tears started to he couldn't tolerate spicy food...which made night to chuckle..

Why are you smiling!?

Phi...stop eating night said while pulling barbeque from north's hand...


You can't eat spicy food...night said then north immediately left the plate and drank some water..

You should have told me at the starting itself...night complained

I don't know but I wanna taste them too because Jane told me you treated her...north said while turning to other side...

Ohooo...night chuckled at north..

And north started walking away...while night followed him



Are you jealous!? Night said while smiling

Iam not..why would I be..

Because I said I wanna eat with you the other day but I treated phi'jane..

𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓪 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now