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                              the way why are you walking back to home...I asked her car I left it for she will come back late...


Well...night you might be thinking that I deserve that right!?

Noo...phi.why would I do that!?

I yelled at you...degraded iam ok even if you think like that

But I won't phi...even though you are being tough with me I know you have a soft side too...and also phi if you don't mind can I say something

Hm...go on

You look beautiful when you don't be tough always....and I also understand that you wanted to be tough to world for some reason...I won't ask the reason  for it but smile more....
After I said those words she immediately stopped walking

Phi...iam sorry if I was out of league for saying that...I said worriedly..

Night...I and love we both are girls in our family and even though my mom is a great businessman there are some circumstances where there will be need of men in every family...and my father left my mom but she never married again for us so I want to be tough..I don't wanna believe anyone easily...even before I tried to fight the guy...but I couldn''s more like these circumstances that made me like this...even though I want to smile like others...I just couldn't..she said while her tears were dropping

Phi...can I hug you...I asked her

She then immediately hugged me..and cried's are the most wonderful girl I've ever seen..I said

You are being extra now...she said while smiling..

Hm...I smiled at her too....

Hey...night what's this blood...she asked me worriedly

Ohoo..that I guess I got cut before...I said and she immediately took her kerchief and tied at my hand...

Later we both reached her home...even though she insisted me to come in...I rejected her...then she asked her driver to drive me back...and I went back to home...

I thanked the driver..and I took a deep breathe while entering home...and suddenly I remembered words of phi Jane  what she said about he really planning something...well...come to think of it suddenly he is being nice to me after all those things he did to me...

I went inside home taking a deep soon as I entered home...I seen mae,phi'north sitting on sofa.. are back now...mae asked me

Mae...I went to a friend's  home..I didn't said anything about what happened because I don't want them to get worried...

What happened to your hand..!?phi north asked me..

Shia...well...I got a cut while cutting..I lied again

What!?? Did you do first aid..mae asked me mae...she then immediately made me to sit on couch and phi'north brought the first aid kit...and then mae banded me...

Tq mae...I said to her

It's ok night...but please be's already the second time...she said in a sad tone..and I felt guilty looking at her like I hugged her...and she hugged me back...

Come now let's eat...she said..

As they mentioned about dinner I remember my dinner plan with phi'north...did he wait for me!?I thought to myself...

But still I've to make sure he is not playing some games...

No mae...I already ate...I said to her...well it's true though because I ate some barbeque with phi'jane...even though she said she doesn't wanna eat and I insisted her...and then she ate allot saying they are delicious...

Ohoo...we were waiting for you...mae said..

We!!!!??'s me and north...she said..

And when I looked at phi'north he looked a bit sad...

But it's ok night you go back to your room and we will have dinner...mae said as I looked sad

I don't wanna eat anymore mae...phi north said sternly and went back to his room.. fool night...I thought to myself and went back to my room and I couldn't sleep at all...iam only thinking about phi'north...

It's almost midnight but still I can't sleep...and then someone knocked on my I immediately opened the door...and it's was phi.


North's pov:-

     I was waiting for him to come back home but still he didn't come back...really yesterday I allowed everyone to speak to him and now he isn't even coming home....

Even mom is back....but still he didn't come...where the hell is he...I wanna call him but I don't have his number...mae asked me to eat so I told her to wait for night so she tried calling him but his phone turned off...

Just after that he came inside...he is sweating allot and his hand had a cut so I asked him what happened...and after that when mom asked him to eat he said he already ate...what!? really why does he have to say that he wanna have dinner with me when he ate with someone else...I don't know what's happening to me but iam really mad at him...

After coming back to room I thought of sleeping but I just couldn't sleep at atlast I went to his room...he opened door immediately guess he is awake too...

Night's pov:-


Here take this and apply it on your will help you heal faster he said handing me a cream

Tq phi...I said

After that both of us started at each other awkwardly...and suddenly he said....

I couldn't sleep...and.  went to my bed and slept on the other side..

Later I closed the door and layed on the bed...he turned his back to me..but still I've to apologise him

Phi!? I called him


I am sorry phi...I told him

Why!? He asked me but still he turned his back to me..

For not being here for dinner..

I don't mind that...I didn't wait for you it's just mom misunderstood me...he said..

Hm..I said

Later I didn't said anything neither he did and I thought ask about what phi Jane said too


Huh!?..his voice is bit sad

Phi..are you planning something

What do you mean!? are suddenly being nice to iam afraid iam mistaken

Is that what you think of me!?he said but now turned towards me...


Is it the reason you didn't have dinner at home..huh!? He asked me but I can feel that he is hurt.. I was about to say something he started walking away from bed and went to his room...


I am sorry if this story is being a bit boring....I'll try to put sweet scenes soon...

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