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JOSIE WAS WORKING at Luke's, when Rory and Lorelai walked in. Taylor, who unfortunately was Josie's relative, was yelling at Luke. "Every other store in town has fall decorations." the man told Luke as he put an order on a table? "Well, hurrah for the mob mentality." Luke grunted. "We're talking a few streamers and a paper turkey. How is it gonna hurt you to have a paper turkey?" Taylor asked. "How can you be related to him?" Rory asked, looking at Josie. "He's my aunt's brother on my dad's side," she answered.

Rory hummed in response. "So, you don't like orange. That's fine. Autumn has many varied hues to toy with. Taylor told him. "Excuse me, could we get some coffee, please?" Lorelai asked. "And a muffin?" Rory added. "Warmed?" The woman speciefed. "Yeah, yeah." Josie nodded, waving her hand in their direction. "This is the autumn festival. Your shop is right across the street from the horn of plenty! You're right smacked up in the middle. You have to decorate." The Doose man said.  " I don't have to do anything but serve food." Luke told him.

"And coffee!" Lorelai yelled, slamming down money on the counter. "And muffins!" Rory yeller. "Alright! I'll het your coffee." Josie held her hands up. She carefully poured coffee into two paper cups and took two muffins from under the glass case. She headed into the kitchen to warm them up. "Hey, my mom's not wearing any underwear!" She heard Rory yell. "Here." Josie said, walking back to the counter. She handed them two coffees and the paper bag containing their muffins. She looked down at the money they had left on the counter. "No tip?" she asked. "Here's a tip, serve your customers!" Lorelai called, as sge and Rory headed out. "Here's another. Don't sit on any cold benches!" she yelled back.


JOSIE AND RORY stepped off the bus, and they headed towards Doose's Market. "I just need to get a few things. You seriously don't have to come in with me." Josie told her, Rory. smiled. "I wanted to." she shrugged. Josie's eyebrows pinched together. "Okay." she said, suspicious of the real reason Rory came with her.

Josie began looking round the store, grabbing the things she needed. She turned down towards the sodas and saw the new bag boy, Dean, talking to Rory, two sodas behind his back. When Rory went to speak, he lent down and kissed her. When he pulled away, Rory muttered something and ran out of the store. "Hey." Josie called out to the boy, who was awkwardly standing there. Dean turned around to face her. "Hey." he greeted. "Yeah, okay, I'm not gonna try and lie and say I didn't see you kiss Rory." She told him.

"Oh." he muttered, slightly embarrassed. "That was a pretty smooth move, but if you hurt Rory, this whole town will turn on you." She warned him. "I'm being serious. They might even storm your house with torches and pitchforks. No surviors." She explained. "Okay?" Dean said, confused. "Just warning you."


JOSIE WAS TAKING a shift at Luke's, and she was waiting for Ceasar to prepare an order when she spotted Lorelai staring out the window. She walked over to the woman and leanee on the table. "Who are you spying on?" The girl questioned, but Lorelai's eyes were focused on the window. "Are you mad about the lack of directions in here, too? God, what is with people? So what if we don't want a fat, stupid bird on the wall?" the girl complained. "Josie, I'm not mad about the lack of directions. I just didn't hear you."

"Oh, wo who are you spying on?" The girl repeated her question, her eyes landing on Rory and Lane. "I'm not spying on anyone!" she defended. "This is about Rory, isn't it?" she asked, with a grin. "Hey, some streamers would look so great in here." Lorelai suggested. "Why do I bother?" The girl muttered as she walked away just as Rory rushed in.


JOSIE WAS IN Doose's market, picking up some cream. When she saw Lorelai down the ceral aisle, "Hey." she called, making Lorelai jump. "Oh my god! W...w...what are you doing?" she stammered, surprised to see the girl. "What are you doing?" The girl asked. "I asked you first!" Lorelai said. "We ran out of cream." she shrugged. "Yeah, me too." The woman replied, looking over her shoulder. "What are you staring at?" Josie asked.

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