Chapter 5

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"You look nervous." Phil said and smiled.

"I'm a nervous wreck." Dan chuckled.

"You're gonna do great. Now go, before you miss your train." Phil kissed his forehead.

"But what if I fail?" Dan asked as he looked up into Phil's eyes.

"It's only one test. Besides, I'll take you to my house whatever grade you come back with." Phil said.

"Okay." Dan mumbled, before walking away and down to the underground railling.

Once he arrived and went into the elevator, he spotted Clyde and waved at him. Clyde smiled toward him and managed to come closer to him.

"Hey." Clyde said when he neared him enough.

"Hi. Are you nervous for the test?" Dan asked him.

"Not at all, I studied all night for it." Clyde smiled and shuffled a bit more toward me.

"I nearly talked myself out of coming." Dan chuckled.

"Why doesn't it surprises me?" Clyde smiled wider. "Hey, hum, I was wondering what you were doing after the test."

"Hum." Dan quickly went through all of his possibilities of what to say. 1) He could tell Clyde the truth and risk being called crazy. 2) He could lie to him and risk being discovered later. Or 3) He could do as if he didn't hear or understand the question. He opted for the lie. "I think I'm going to visit my mother's grave."

"Great, can I come with you?" He asked.

"No." Dan said abruptly. "I'm sorry it's just that I would prefer to go alone. If you don't mind."

"Oh, alright. Well, good luck with the test." Clyde said as the elevator's doors opened.

"Good luck to you too." Dan said as they went out of it.

Dan went to his class and sat down. He kept repeating Phil's motivation speech in his head. He could do it. He had to do it, so that he could see Phil's home. And he really wanted to see it.

He signed as the teacher entered the class and started distributing the tests. He looked down at his and hoped for the best as he started to write down the answers.

Three hours later, he got out of the class, at the same time as the other students, with a smile on his face. Clyde saw him and went toward him.

"Why are you smiling so hard?" Clyde asked.

"I got a higher grade than I thought I would've had."

"That's great." He said as he enveloped Dan in a hug.

Dan tensed a bit, but relaxed soon after and returned it. They broke the hug and went into the elevator.

"So, you're headed to the cemetery, now?" Clyde asked.

"What? Oh, yeah, to see my mum's grave, yeah." Dan said quickly and blushed slightly.

Clyde's smile faded slightly. "See you next time, then?"

"Yeah, see you next time." Dan said as the elevator doors opened and they walked out.

They went their separate ways and Dan had to retain himself from jumping in excitement. He was going to see Phil's home. He wondered what it was like.

Once he arrived on the roof, Phil was already there with a smile on his face. "Are you ready to go?"


"This way then." He took Dan's hand and led him to the edge of the building.

"Wait, do you want us to jump?" Dan asked as he started to get a bit scared.

"Do you trust me?"

"That doesn't answer my question?"

"Do you trust me, Dan?"

"Yeah, I guess." Dan answered shakily.

"Then hug me."


"Come on, we're not going to do that again." Phil chuckled.

Dan gulped and wrapped his arms around his torso. He heard Phil chuckled again and did the same thing to Dan, before  walking off the building. Dan felt a rush of air, then they roughly landed on something soft. Dan looked around and noticed a concrete coloured airbag underneath them.

"You little shit." Dan said as he lightly hit Phil.

Phil chuckled as he got off the airbag. "Come on it's not far from here now."

"I hate you." Dan said as he did the same.

"No you don't." Phil said and started walking.

"No I don't." Dan sighed as he followed him.

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