Chapter Two

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Ashley's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and was met with a dark room. I sat up and immediately went dizzy. I slowly rubbed my head as a poor attempt to soothe my aching head. I whimpered when I registered the pain in my throat. It felt like someone had shoved a hot poker iron down it. I grabbed it as if it would somehow stop the burning sensation.

Then I could smell it. My mouth watered and I immediately lunged for it, not caring of any obstacles that could be in my way. I snatched it up and didn't waste a single second before sinking my teeth into it. I relished in the divine taste, but something was off. It wasn't quite as good or filling. I couldn't taste the freshness or life behind it.

Once I'd drank all of the crimson liquid I pulled the empty plastic away from my lips I felt confusion rush through my body. A blood bag?

I looked up and took in my surroundings. I had absolutely no idea where I was.

The room was dark, but my inhanced vision could still make everything out easily. I looked down and saw that I was in a bed, an incredibly soft one at that. The sheets were black and satin. I glanced around the rest of the room, actually taking things in this time. The walls were all black, except for the one that was to the left of the bed, which was dark crimson. There was a large black closet, and two black chests of draws. One of the black walls had a huge bookcase against it, filled with what looked like hundreds, if not thousands of books. The floor was a dark oak, almost black colour.

I jumped when I saw a pair of almost glowing blue eyes staring at me from the dark shadows of the room. That's when I began to recall all of the events of yesterday. Why was I alive?

The vampire who had tried to kill me yesterday, slowly walked from the shadows. He had a dark and powerful aura around him.

"Why didn't you kill me?" I asked after a little while of us both observing each other.

"I decided to spare you," he answered me, his voice like liquid butter and I didn't know whether I was happy to be alive, or disappointed, "but I only did this on one condition. You have to stay with me here."

"What? Why?" I questioned.

"I think you have potential. And I can't just let you back onto the streets with the way you are. You'd expose us like that. You are to stay here so that I can train you. In other words, I want to help you."

It felt like his cold blue eyes could see into my soul as he stared at me waiting for my reply.

"You want me to stay here with you?" I asked trying to make sure I understood.

He nodded and made a small noise as to confirm what I'd just said.

"Are there any conditions?"

He thought for a minute before answering. "Not really 'conditions' as such. Just rules, which you will learn soon."

I considered it for a moment before agreeing. There really weren't any cons to this situation as far as I could see. If anything I've been praying for something like this to happen.

He nodded swiftly, "Get up and follow me." He ordered and started walking out the bedroom.

I jumped up and quickly speed-walked after him, "Wait, can I at least know your name?"

He carried on walking but glanced over at me, before looking forward again "Andrew." He muttered.

I didn't say anything after that and just followed him. We walked down some dark wooden stairs and into a kitchen. The room was painted a light blue, with the occasional stripe of white. Unlike the bedroom I was in a few minutes ago this room looked like an normal, everyday kitchen. There was nothing creepy or Gothic about it. Everything was clean, almost gleaming and looked new. It was big for a kitchen and after seeing only two rooms of Andrew's house I already knew he was rich.

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