Chapter Three

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I waited for Jinxx to come back, but soon realised he wasn't going to. I wondered back into the living room to see CC and Jake watching some horror film on TV.

I plopped down next to Jake, who jumped at something on the TV.

"What are you watching?" I asked.

"Evil Dead. The newest one."

I looked over at the TV to see a demon, crawling towards a girl, who had her arm stuck. I shrugged it off and turned my attention to CC and Jake, who didn't seem affected by it at all.

I got up after a minute of being bored and decided to wander around the parts of the house I hadn't seen.

I started downstairs. There was a 'games room' so to speak. There was a couple of laptops on top of a black leather sofa. There was also another big flatscreen TV on the wall, and every type gaming consoles you could imaging. In the corner of the room was a brown bookcase filled to the brim with games.

I left the room, pretty impressed with what I'd seen then bumped into Jinxx again.

"Andy wants you to go up to his room. Your lessons start as soon as you're ready." He gave a small fake smile, which I didn't think too much into.


About half an hour later the burning in my throat intensified and become unbearable, so I decided it was time to seek out Andrew.

I made my way from the couch and up the stairs, heading for what I believed was Andrew's room.

I bit my lip nervously then knocked three times on his door.

"Come in" Andy's voice called from inside the room, slightly strained and I wondered why.

I took a deep breath, then opened the door and stepped inside.

My eyes went wide and I was practically drooled at the sight in front of me.

Andrew was doing press ups on the floor... shirtless. I could see his back muscles rippling under his pale, tattooed, skin. He did one more push up then stood, his black hair falling over one of his almost glowing blue eyes.

"You ready?" He asked, but I was too busy checking him out and staring at his tattooed chest. He cleared his throat, successfully snapping me out of my daze.

"What? Oh yeah. Yeah, I mean-" I continued to ramble on, until I looked up at him and he raised a perfect eyebrow at me, his face unamused. I shut up immediately, feeling extremely hot and flushed.

"Are you finished?"

I nodded and looked down, felling extremely embarrassed.

I watched Andrew's feet as he turned and walked over to a chest of draws and pulled a bag of blood out of what looked to be a mini fridge.

My mouth went dry at the sight of the crimson liquid and I gulped trying to calm the part of me that wanted that blood more anything.

"Do you know the difference between animal, human, and vampire blood?" He asked, his eyebrow raised again.

"You can't stay alive off of animal blood. I don't know anything about the blood of a vampire." I told him everything I knew, which wasn't much at all.

Andy nodded before speaking again "You are correct. Animal blood is weak and doesn't contain the nutrients you need to survive, but it can sustain you for a little while if it's the only option. Vampire blood; well that depends.

"Young vampires, such as yourself, have foul tasting blood and it's very hard to swallow. It wouldn't keep you alive, well unless you were human. An old vampire's blood would be the human equivalent to drugs and it could keep you alive. Vampire's usually only tend to share blood while being intimate." My cheeks flushed at what he said.

Andy seemed to think for a moment.

"Have you tasted the blood of one of your own kind, Ashley?" He asked, seeming to be in deep thought. I shook my head in response.

He sighed and rubbed his chin, where I noticed a slight stubble starting to grow. "Well for educational purposes I guess I could allow you to taste some."

My eyebrows furrowed, not understanding what he was saying.

As if answering my unspoken question he bit deep into his wrist then thrusted it in front of my face. I watched as his dark-almost black- blood start to build up and run steadily down the sides of his wrist, dripping a little on the floor.

"You tell nobody about this." He commanded, his eyes deadly.

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