The walk. (Ftm reader)

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  You run through the forest, passing tree after tree. the intense feeling of adrenaline is coursing through your veins. You feel the cold hard ground beneath you and the sounds of twigs snapping behind you...

He's behind you..

Just a few moments ago you were tossing and turning in your tent, unable to sleep. You were slightly annoyed when you heard someone outside of your tent. That was until you found who it was... Astarion. Once you realized it was your vampire companion you shifted to sit up on your bedroll.

"Darling, may I come in?"

You heard his smooth cocky voice, just the sound alone made your heart flutter. You had feelings for him for a while, and he had feelings for you for longer. Yet neither of you would admit it.

"Why of course, love"

You responded. The both of you would call each other cute names frequently, to the point where it was just part of your vocabulary when speaking to each other.  He sat down on your bedroll next to you.

"Would you mind going on a walk with me, my prince? I just need to clear my head, and well.. I'd prefer if you came along."

You smirked.

"Missing me already, pretty boy?"

You stood up from your bedroll and signaled for him to follow. He smirked right back at you.

"Why of course, my darling"

He said in that smug, flirty tone. He stood up from your bedroll and followed you along a path in the woods.

"So, what's been troubling you?"

You ask while admiring the moonlight.


You turn your head towards Astarion out of worry. And all you see is him staring at your neck with hungry... Deep.. Red.. Eyes... He lunges towards you. You quickly step out of the way, causing him to trip and fall. This gives you enough time to dart away from the trail, your footsteps silent. You don't dare to look back as you hear twigs snapping and leaves crunching behind you as you run faster and faster. Your chest began to hurt with a sharp pain, having restrictive clothing on your chest while running wasn't your intention.

You kept running and running, you had much experience with making your footsteps silent. On the other hand, Astarion definitely wasn't worried about being quiet. Your feet hit the ground over and over. You tripped over what seemed like thin air over and over again, but never did you fall. Your lungs heaved as you ran. You kept your breathing quiet so you could listen in to hear if Astarion was close... You heard the sound of leaves crackling in the far distance, so you took your chances and hid behind a tree. You took your time and took deep breaths to slow your breathing, knowing Astarion would approach. Suddenly you heard..


It was him, and it wasn't from a distance. You silenced your breathing with your hand.

"I know you're here... Just come out."

His voice was sweet and deceptive, but not enough to fool you. You knew Astarion too well. He circled the area in search for you...

(Part 2 will be up today)

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